Life as a whole is good.

Jun 06, 2008 23:05

As previously mentioned, Omaha was actually rather lovely. There was some family drama, because what would family time be without drama? But all in all, I had a good time. Most of the stress associated with the trip was either weather-related (dude, for realz, the most turbulent flights I've ever been on, both ways) or like, internalized (because how would I possibly be me without totally melodramatic premature freaking out?). My aunt and uncle were themselves, my eldest cousin was mostly not around due to festivities, and my baby cousin (also my goddaughter, which I have a horrible tendency to forget about because I wasn't actually AT her baptism thanks to failing at life in high school...and also, DUDE, I have a goddaughter?!) is the single most adorable person in the history of mankind. Seriously, she's been sending us these emails since we left -- like, several times a day this whole week -- that would melt the heart of freakin' Antarctica. So all in all, good.

Work since I got back has been weird on like, so many levels. A lot of like, rushing into brick walls, which is always fun, but also a lot of like, unexpected good things happening. Except for the fight I had with my mom last night when she called me and asked me a work question -- having nothing to do with anything I work on, really, and one that would've kind of required me to tell her my boss made a mistake, which dude, NOT COOL -- at 19.30. (You know, way past business hours.) So when I called her on it, she says to me, "FUCK YOU" and hangs up on ME. So I wrote her a very polite but very hard email, and we pretty much have barely spoken all day. Which, okay, fine with me, but the whole fight was just really obnoxious, and was basically everything I was afraid of when I first got the job with the firm all in like, one fell swoop. So um, not cool.

I really wish she would just realize that I'm a fucking adult already and be done with it. Like, if I ever had a genie's lamp to wish on? That would totally be my wish, is to get my mother off my back.

And then a little while ago this afternoon I was talking about the fight with her and my friend was like, yeah, you two aren't too good for each other, and I'm like, yeah, notsomuch. And I said something like, meh, this is kind of the high point of our relationship, and I kind of got lost in my head for a few minutes and it ended up getting serious and confessional, and I haven't really been able to get out of that headspace since. I mean, I had already been thinking about past shit a lot this week, what with Omaha and a lot of birthdays coming up in the next few months and random facebook stalking last night, but it's been weird tonight.

And also, I've wanted to journal for a few days in general, but I just keep not being able to focus. The other night towards the tail end of a MARATHON conversation with the BFF, I had like, the most sudden mania I've had in a long time, and it passed pretty quickly, but dude, it was rough. And my attention span's been shit in general lately, and then with the mania the other night, it was like, DUDE.

Finally, two requests for the flist (all one of you who might actually like, get this far AND respond).

I am looking for:
a) Recs of TV shows to get into via DVD over the summer, and
b) Recs of awesome, off the beaten path things to do (and/or cool, funky hotels to stay in) while in San Francisco a week from Monday.

So, uh, comments are love?

Okay, I know that wasn't it, but um, it's really all I've got right now. Hope all is well; what's new, flist?!


(.......Dude, I need an icon refresh. I have like, nothing good right now. What's up with that?!)

audience participation part of our show, travel, shiny vacation tag!, family

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