Shattered Youth Chapter Three

Oct 17, 2009 16:34

Title: Shattered Youth
Author: alifeofourown
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Kyle Burns (All Time Low/Forever the Sickest Kids)
Rating: Teen
Summary: He didn't know what to do about this because he had never, ever seen Kyle fall apart like this before.
Warning: Even More Alex, Dumbo and Missed Calls
Dedication:  thepiano_knows because she's the one who put Kyle/Alex in my head thanks to her picspam. Thanks bb!
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN THEM! (If you got here thanks to googling yourself, turn around now. NOW!)
Author Notes: Whoever said that silence is golden lied. Silence is evil, demonic to write and even harder to make sense out of. Man...sorry this took so long. ♥
Title courtesy of Living Proof by The Downtown Fiction Cut lyrics courtesy of Where I Belong by Push Play

Movies were always a good thing in Alex’s opinion, especially Disney movies. That might have been why Alex was now attempting to calm a shaking Kyle down with a Disney movie. Kyle was curled up in a small ball on the couch staring at the TV screen, his eyes intently focused on Dumbo, the movie Alex had picked out.  His shoulders were shaking a little, Alex noted, and his face was empty, lacking any kind of visible feelings. Alex hated to see Kyle like this, and he just wanted to take Kyle into his arms and tell him that everything would be okay; whisper words of comfort in his ear. He knew though, that this was a bad idea, especially considering the way the boy reacted earlier that day to Alex’s touch.

Alex leaned back against the couch and he smiled as he watched the movie, remembering just how much he had loved this as a kid. He had always pictured himself as Dumbo, the baby elephant who was scared to learn how to love himself for what he was and find himself. These days, though, he had relinquished his Dumbo personality, and he really was now realizing that he was the Timothy Q. Mouse to Kyle’s Dumbo. Kyle was terrified, and Alex was there to encourage him, be kind to him as a friend and take care of him until he was ready to fly.

Kyle pulled his knees up to his chest, curling himself up into a ball as he watched the movie on the TV screen. He was blinking rapidly every few seconds, Alex realized as he snuck glances at him to make sure that he was okay. Soon enough though, Kyle was asleep on the couch, his body still and silent. It scared Alex a little, how much Kyle looked like he wasn’t alive right now. His body was just so stiff and unmoving that it made Alex nervous. He had to resist the urge to constantly put his fingers right up against Kyle’s lips to make sure that he was still breathing, but he successfully kept himself under control as he watched the rest of Dumbo quietly.

When the movie ended, he got up off of the couch, removed the DVD from player and disappeared into the kitchen to make himself some food. He had managed to get Kyle to eat the eggs he had made earlier, but he himself hadn’t been able to get anything to stay down his throat, so now he really was hoping that he’d find a way to eat and not get sick over it. Getting sick was never a good thing in Alex’s opinion, and he didn’t want to get sick, but he’d survive if he did.

Alex made himself a sandwich quickly and quietly, and he stared at it for a few minutes, now trying to decide if he had it in him to even eat it. He was hungry, yes, but as he looked at the sandwich, he couldn’t help but think about Kyle and how he had reacted right before he had eaten earlier this morning and his appetite was instantly gone. Sighing, he took the sandwich in his hand and bit into it, trying to force the food down his throat. He couldn’t get past the first bite though. He trashed the sandwich and disappeared to the bathroom, going to brush his teeth and forget his lack of proper food digestion.

Brushing his teeth, Alex looked into the mirror, his eyes scanning across his face as he tried to find some sense of sanity. Alex was just finished brushing his teeth and was about to splash his face when he heard the screams. Kyle was screaming, making the first noise in over two days, and Alex needed to take care of him and fast. He ran down the stairs as quickly as he could, stumbling over the past few stairs as he rushed back to the living room, cursing himself for not staying there with Kyle like he was supposed to.

He rushed into the living room, finding Kyle shaking and screaming in the throes of a nightmare, and he knew that he had to wake him, had to get him out of this. “Kyle,” he begged, not wanting to touch the boy and freak him out. “Kyle wake up!” The boy was shaking from the nightmare he was caught in and another fresh scream exploded from his lips. Alex panicked.

“Kyle!” he begged as he reached out a hand, shaking the boy in a hurried attempt to wake up the boy before he had to experience anything else that was going to hurt him. The touch was all that was needed for Kyle’s eyes to snap open and for the boy flinch away from Alex’s touch, panting and crying quietly, his actions just as silent as they had the day before.

Alex wanted to hold Kyle so badly right now. He just wanted to hold the shaking boy tightly in his arms and kiss away the nightmares, the fears that were clearly running through Kyle’s head. He wouldn’t do that though, because he clearly knew by now that Kyle was terribly frightened to be touched. The only thing was he didn’t know why, and he was determined to fix that. He didn’t want Kyle to be a shaking, crying ball of fears and worries. He wanted his amazing friend back to normal and he would make that happen no matter what he had to do.

The older boy had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn’t been paying complete attention to Kyle. He hadn’t realized that the boy’s trembling had stopped a little, nor did he have time to prepare for the thin pair of arms tightly wrapping themselves around Alex’s waist. Kyle was clinging to Alex with every ounce of strength that he had, a shaking mess, and Alex knew that the fact that the boy was touching him meant that he was going to be okay with Alex holding him.

Within seconds, Kyle had been scooped into Alex’s arms and he held the trembling boy tightly, rubbing his back as he whispered gentle words of comfort into his ear. He told Kyle about how it was going to be okay, how he’d always be safe with Alex and that there would never be another person who would dare to hurt him ever again. Kyle trembled, no, shook terribly in Alex’s arms, but the older boy’s grip never once loosened on the drummer. He didn’t even dare to think about letting go until the now calm Kyle backed out of Alex’s grip.

“Are you okay?” Alex asked gently as he looked at Kyle. The boy shook his head with a clear ‘no,’ but he was silent, and Alex knew that if he couldn’t hear noises coming from Kyle, then it was at least better than the shaky sobs that had been escaping the boy’s throat earlier. “You’re feeling a bit better than before though right?”

Relief washed over Alex as he received a nod from Kyle, and a tiny smile graced his lips. “It’s going to be okay Kyle,” he said, although he wasn’t even sure he could promise the boy that. “Just, keep on holding strong for me, and I’ll do whatever I can to get you better.”

It surprised Alex to see how small and scared Kyle was as he curled up into a small ball on the couch, not responding to Alex’s statements. He knew that this was a lot to handle, but he wasn’t going to stop taking care of the scared boy. “I’m going to go and make you some tea okay? It’ll calm you down.” He stumbled as he got off of the couch, but quickly regained his footing and disappeared into the kitchen to make Kyle his tea.

As he was letting the water boil on the stove, he reached for his cell phone that had been absentmindedly discarded on the kitchen table two days ago and decided that he’d check for missed calls and new text messages. The second he opened the phone though, he instantly regretted that idea.

His inbox was full, his phone was reading at a hundred and fifty missed calls and forty-seven new voicemails. He didn’t even know his voicemail box could even hold that many messages. Alex swore quietly as he began to scroll through his text messages.

Most of them were junk or twitter updates, he knew he should have never subscribed to twitter on his phone, but a few were actually important, most of which being texts from Jack about shit that they were going to have to do or Flyzik checking to make sure he hadn’t managed to kill himself from stupidity yet.

The tea kettle was beginning to whistle as Alex scrolled through his list of missed calls. Jack had been calling him repeatedly, and he knew that if he left the boy without a response for any longer than a few more hours, Jack would be over and breaking down his door without a doubt. Alex wasn’t about to have that happen, so as he made the tea for Kyle, he decided that he’d call Jack as soon as possible.

He had a lot of work to do.

story: shattered youth, pairing: kyle/alex, rating: teen, genre: angst, band: all time low, band: forever the sickest kids

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