Lost Until Found 6/6

Jan 27, 2009 20:41

Title: Lost Until Found
Pairing: Gabe Saporta and William Beckett
Rating: Mature
Summary: “Just shut up. You don’t know what it’s like to be there.” He looked up at the doctor and the man was now frightened by William. “You haven’t had to worry about trying to figure out how to live...."
Author Notes: Final chapter kiddies. I hope you enjoy it and yeah. There really is nothing else I can say except but thanks for reading.
Warnings: Kidnap, Abuse, Torture, Violence, Assumations, Death
Disclaimer: Gabe owns William and William owns Gabe. I own James and Riley might've been murdered by me...
Dedication: For everyone who reads this, despite the fact whether they comment or not

William would be lying to himself if he said that he hadn’t enjoyed the company that Chizzy had given him, even if he had barely talked the entire time. Chizzy had spent the past hour catching William up on what was going on with all of his friends on the outside world. After a few moments of silence, William looked up at Chizzy. “The doctor said you had something important to tell me. What is it?”

Chizzy sighed. “I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay,” he said as he looked at William. “You’ve been ignoring everyone and denying visitors. I just wanted to check up on you.” He reached over for William’s hand to give him a comforting squeeze but William pulled it away before he could touch him. “I wanted to make sure that William Beckett still was around.”

“Is that really the only reason you came to visit me?” William asked in a small voice. “To check up on me?” Michael nodded with a small smile. “Well I’m fine, so go home.”

Chizzy sat down next to William and frowned. “William, you’re in a mental hospital. You tried to take your life. You’re not okay.” It wasn’t a question or a flitting idea anymore. It was a statement; one that William needed to hear now more then ever.

William let out a small sigh. “Can we just not talk about this right now?” he asked softly as he pressed his fingers to his temple, trying to push back the sharp memories of how he had attempted suicide and the reasons he had. Chizzy was about to shake his head but William looked at him. “Please,” he begged in a small voice. “Please don’t do this to me. Not right now.”

“Fine,” Chizzy said as a small frown graced his face. “I really wish you would talk about it, but I understand that you don’t want to.” William buried his face into his arms, earning another frown from Chizzy. “Oh, I have a present for you,” he said as a small smile appeared on his face. William looked up at Chizzy, and through the mask of pain a hint of curiousity shone its way through.

“What is it?” he asked in a bland voice.

Chizzy shook his head. “The point of a present is for it to be a surprise, now close your eyes. I’m going to go get it.” William closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall. Chizzy smiled and disappeared to get William’s surprise. “Okay,” Chizzy said in a cherry voice. “Open your eyes.”

What William saw when he opened his eyes he couldn’t believe. “Chizzy…” he said as his eyes widened. Chizzy smiled and nodded, making William get off of his bed and walk over to him on shaky legs. “It can’t be…” Chizzy nodded once again and grabbed onto William’s hand to steady him. William pulled away from Chizzy’s grip and walked past him. “It is…” His breath left him as he uttered the one word that made his heart beat in pain and happiness. “Gabe.”

Striking black hair framed a pale face that was hollow and empty looking, but surely enough Gabriel Saporta stood in front of William. “Gabe!” William jumped forward and grabbed onto him with the most amount of strength he could possibly muster. Gabe let out a small hiss of pain, but he hugged William back with a brief chuckle. “I thought you were dead,” William whispered as he pressed his face to Gabe’s shoulder, trying to hold back tears.

Gabe looked at William in shock. “No one told you I was still alive?” he asked in a soft voice. William shook his head as tears slipped their way past his closed eyes and fell, soaking spots on Gabe’s shirt with the hot, salty liquid. “That’s…why would they do that?”

“We tried,” Chizzy replied truthfully. “William wouldn’t see any of us, and he wouldn’t listen to the doctor when he tried to tell him that you weren’t really dead.” William looked up at Chizzy with a confused expression on his face. “James told me that you wouldn’t let him explain that Gabe had been brought back from the dead. That’s why we put together this plan. He’s technically still in hospital care.”

“Brought back from the dead?” William asked softly.

Gabe nodded as he leaned back against the wall. “I died back in Australia,” he said in a small voice. “They say I was dead for a good four minutes before they managed to bring me back. It wasn’t my time to leave.” William’s face broke out into a smile for the first time since he had lost Gabe and he squeezed him again. “Bilvy, that hurts,” Gabe mumbled in a pained voice.

“Oh,” William said softly. “I’m sorry.” He let go of Gabe, but the second he did Gabe grabbed back onto him.

“I said it hurt, but I didn’t say I wanted you to let go,” he whispered before gently wrapping his arms around William. “I’m not sure how much longer I can stand though.”

William gently untangled himself from Gabe once more. “Come on,” he said as he led him over to the bed. Gabe followed and let out a small sigh as he sat down next to William on the bed. Chizzy looked at the two and decided he was no longer needed, so he left the room, allowing William and Gabe the alone time they were in good need of. “Are you okay?” William asked softly as he rested his head on Gabe’s shoulder. Gabe nodded.

“I’m fine, except for a few still healing bones. It’s been a couple of months. Mostly everything’s fine now, and that man didn’t try to do any brain damage, so the hospital said once my remaining limbs heal, I’m good to go.” He gently pressed a kiss to William’s forehead. “That’s not the point though,” he mumbled. “How are you holding up?” he asked softly.

William shrugged. “I’m fine,” he mumbled. Gabe gently trailed his arms down William’s but once he reached his forearm, William pulled away. “I said I’m fine.”

Gabe tugged on William’s shirt sleeve, revealing the angry red mark that had replaced a scar that had been healed over a few months of time. “This is not fine,” he whispered as upset tears prickled at his eyes. “You…hurt yourself.”

“Because I thought you were gone,” William replied. “I didn’t know how to live without you.”

Gabe looked at him. “Well now you don’t have to,” Gabe said as he looked back up at William, a silent tear slipping down his face. “I’m here for good.” Carefully, Gabe brought William’s arm up to his face and pressed a kiss to the wound on his arm. “This means nothing, and it’s all in the past now, right?” he asked, looking at William with gentle but pleading eyes.

William nodded lightly and pulled his arm out of Gabe’s grip and replaced it with his hand, squeezing lightly. “We’ll put this behind us,” he whispered softly as he brushed back a bit of his hair that had fallen into his face. “Just, right now I don’t want to let you go.”

“You don’t have to,” Gabe replied with a gentle smile. “James said I could spend the night here with you, unless the hospital decides they want me back tonight, which they better not.” William smiled and Gabe pulled William into a hug. “I’m not leaving you ever again, okay?” William nodded before burying his head in Gabe’s chest. A fresh wave of emotion hit him and tears rolled down his cheeks. “Why are you crying Bilvy?” Gabe asked softly as he stroked William’s hair. “Don’t cry.”

William let out a small sob as he clenched onto Gabe’s shirt, holding him as close as possible. “I…you’re alive. You don’t understand just what this means to me,” he whimpered. Gabe wrapped his arms around William in a warm and strong motion, trying to heal his emotionally broken boyfriend. “I’m so scared that this is just a dream and I’ll wake up and you won’t be here.”

“Never,” Gabe whispered soothingly as he ran his arms up and down William’s back, rubbing calming circles into his skin. “I would never be a dream. You can pinch me if you don’t believe me.”

William gave Gabe a watery chuckle as he looked up at him, the hints of a smile gracing his face. Even in times of sadness and fear, Gabe could still find a way to cheer him up. “I love you,” William whispered as looked at Gabe. “I love you more than you could ever know.”

“I think I could know,” Gabe replied softly. “Because I feel the exact same way for you.” William smiled and tears leaked out of his eyes, but this time they were due to happiness, not out of despair or fear. Gabe slid his hand up to cradle the back of William’s neck before gently leaning forward and catching his lips in a fiery kiss. William wrapped his arms around Gabe as he kissed him back, lost in the whirlwind of emotions that were finally returning to him after almost a year of having an empty soul. “I love you William Beckett; always have, always will.” Gabe whispered when he finally broke the kiss.

William smiled weakly and rested his head on Gabe’s shoulder before mumbling a soft ‘you too,’ against Gabe’s skin. He pressed a gentle kiss to Gabe’s neck and smiled. “Now sleep Bilvy,” Gabe whispered as he stroked William’s hair, amused by the color it now was. “When you wake I’ll be right here. I promise.”

William nodded silently and looked up at Gabe, watching his gentle face until exhaustion clambered over him and he had no choice but to sleep. “Goodnight,” he whispered as his eyes shut for a final time that day, closing the door on his formerly incompletely life and leading him to one where he would be loved and taken care of.

The next morning, William woke up to the sound of cheerful music being played in the background. He lifted his head and rubbed his eyes gently, clearing them of sleep and allowing him access to view the most beautiful creature heaven had ever made. “You’re still here,” he whispered to the sleeping Gabe. Gabe’s response to his happy statement wasn’t anything special; just a loud snore in his ear.

William chuckled and poked Gabe in the side just hard enough to wake up the man. Gabe slipped back into the world and he smiled sleepily at William. “Morning Bilvy,” he mumbled in what had to be William’s own personal brand of music, causing him to smile. “What’s up?”

“You stayed,” William said in an exuberant voice. Gabe nodded. “I didn’t think you actually would. I really thought you were just a dream.”

“I promised you I wasn’t,” Gabe replied as he slipped an arm around William’s waist and readjusted him so that they were curled up side by side on the bed. William nodded briefly as he rested a hand on Gabe’s chest. “I’m here for forever.”

“You better be,” William replied. “I lost you once. It’s not happening again.”

Gabe shook his head. “Never again,” he whispered before kissing William’s head. “You’re not getting away from me ever again.” William let out a contented sigh and he pressed himself against Gabe, basking in his warmth. Gabe smiled and pulled him closer, keeping him from moving from his side. They were together forever.

1,2 - 1 2 3 4
Give me more lovin then I've ever had.
Make it all better when I'm feelin sad.
Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not.
Make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
Barely gettin mad,
I’m so glad I found you.
I love bein around you.
You make it easy,
As easy as 1 2, (1 2 3 4.)

“You want to know something?” Gabe asked as he looked down at William. William looked up at him and nodded.

“Sure,” he replied in a small voice.

Gabe smiled. “I love you.”

William returned the smile before gently pressing a kiss to Gabe’s cheek. “I love you too.”

There’s only one thing two do three words four you.
I love you.
(I love you)
There’s only one way two say those three words
and that's what I'll do.
I love you.
(I love you)

~ fin ~

Author Note: Okay, so that was the uber cheesy ending to my very angsty story, but the thing I’d like to say is that I’m really proud because this is the first non standalone fanfic that I’ve actually finished, so yeah. I’m happy to call this my first fic, and actually one of the only ones I’ve ever liked.

So, after a lot of consideration, (and I’m serious about the consideration) I decided not to do an epilogue for this story. I bet if you’re reading this right now, you’re kind of upset or whatever, but there’s no reason to feel this way, because there’s a reason for this decision.

The reason: In place of an epilogue, there will be a small standalone, if that’s what it can be called. More like a bridge, which will then lead into a sequel.

Yes, there is a sequel. You may now jump for joy, if you’d like to that is.

One last thing. This story is the first story I’ve incorporated a playlist to, which I have decided to share with you lovely people, so that is located here: Lost Until Found Playlist

That’s all for my long Author’s Note. Keep an eye out for the bridge and the sequel, neither of which currently have a name, and thank you so much for reading this story. I love you all!

band: cobra starship, rating: mature, story: lost until found, pairing: gabe/william, genre: angst, band: the academy is...

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