open log |

Mar 26, 2010 20:36

CHARACTERS | illuminatism and you!
DATE | 26th of March
RATING | PG at best, I guess.
SUMMARY | Mac Anu, an interesting place filled with plenty of shiny objects, sparkling water, and delicious smells. With those facts in mind Amaterasu has taken to wandering around root town in some attempt of getting acquainted with it.

LOG | ( the only good kind of cake is cherry cake )

(okami) amaterasu, #open, (final fantasy xiii) hope estheim, (tegami bachi) gauche suede, (sonic the hedgehog) shadow the hedgehog, (yureka) lotto

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Comments 54

powerthatisme March 27 2010, 04:53:36 UTC
Another individual was currently lurking stalking through Mac Anu, although clearly lacking in the Goddess' serenity. His own black ears were twitching out of aggravation more than the sounds that were filling the streets of the town and the goods that were being sold didn't hold his attention. How such irrelevant distractions can hold anyone's attention was completely beyond him, especially with more pressing matters to attend to.

Sadly, none of the GMs were forthcoming with that sort of information. The result? A pissed off former hedgehog stalking through town with murder written on his face.

He was going to storm right by the white and red Adept Rogue too. Well, Shadow did storm right by, but ended up doing a double take with a confused expression. "... Silver?"

Yay for mistaken identities?


illuminatism March 27 2010, 06:50:52 UTC
Hurray for mistaken identities!

For a moment she is pulled from the thoughts of cakes and basking in the aroma of all the yummy smells escaping the open door. Ears flick forward and Amaterasu turns her head in the direction of the voice. Dark brown eyes fall to a figure that stands just a little ways away and, for a moment, she could have mistaken the young man for Oki.

Only he was lacking a mask and his hair was just a good chunk too short to be him.

But was he addressing her or another person instead?

Me? She silently asks with a small tilt of the head ass confusion runs through her eyes and across her face. She removes one hand from the window and points to herself. Because if he had been attempting to speak to her, then he was sorely mistaken and had the wrong person. She was no one called Silver (or maybe he had just been speaking of the color...she honestly had no clue).


powerthatisme March 27 2010, 07:23:19 UTC
"... Or not," red eyes narrowed when the woman turned around. Shadow hadn't noticed it previously, but now that he got a proper look at her... No, the other hedgehog's hair would have been much messier. Although her color scheme to to be the inverse of his, right down to the random red marks covering her face (granted, he only had those marks around his eyes)

But that she hadn't said anything aloud... Could she not speak?

"No, that was my error," as much as he hated to admit that, yes, it was a mistake to anyone. But with Silver's oddly shaped quills, he couldn't rule out that kid getting some strange haircut or another in this World.

"..." Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about her.


illuminatism March 27 2010, 07:37:51 UTC
Sadly, she could not speak, but at least there was always body language and expressions to get across what would be needed to say. Or, at least, the general idea of things like that.

She gives him a small shake of her head, hair following the motion and long strands of the ponytail falls across her shoulders. No, no, it was fine. Things like this are bound to happen and it would be hard to take offense to such things, unless the name of who the other person had called was someone they disliked. Her brows furrow in thought at that.

It reminded her of the wary folks in Nippon, back when she and Issun had gone through the Spirit Gate to find Lika. They had gone a hundred years back in time and they had all mis-identified as the Shiranui of their time. Ah, she raises a hand and scratches behind one of her ears with longer-than-normal nails, that had been quite an embarrassing time. But at least it had all worked out well in the end.But her attention snaps back to the present - out of the thoughts that had seemed to swallow the wolf up ( ... )


alwaysdelivers March 27 2010, 09:11:53 UTC
It had taken Gauche a moment to register that a human was standing there, and not his Dingo. She looked so much like Roda, if Roda were human-- although he couldn't register what made him think so right away like that. Perhaps something about her mannerisms. If only he realized how close he was.

He'd earned some money from battling the monsters, so why not? The letter bee approached and stood beside the girl, with a slight smile. "Would you like something from here?"


illuminatism March 27 2010, 23:39:31 UTC

Attention turns from the display beyond the class to a reflection that had come to appear at her side. One ear turns to the side, in his direction, showing that she's listening despite her focus being on his reflection instead of the physical form.

He was offering to buy her something from the shop?

As the fact sinks in, her eyes widen and her head turns - tilting up just a slight bit so that she could look at him with delight. It certainly was a kind gesture and who was she to decline him? If there was food involved then it would definitely be rude to say no.


alwaysdelivers March 30 2010, 06:26:15 UTC
"Ah, excuse me, this is a strange thing to do, isn't it?" Gauche laughed, taking a step away. Sylvette really was right when she said he was bad at being social, and he did tend to take things too seriously. Her actions, however, spoke differently-- especially as she turned to face him. It was an expression he was very familiar with, albeit on a furrier face. It bolstered his confidence and he smiled wider. "Just let me know what you want, I should have enough."


illuminatism March 30 2010, 06:56:44 UTC

Perhaps a little, to some people, but then again who was she to judge just exactly what "strange" was. She was someone who would go right up and headbutt someone if they were crying too much over spilt milk or toss a person onto her back without too much of a warning to them. So someone offering her food (whether it was them buying it or sharing what they were already having) was a little more commonplace to the wolf.

Amaterasu gives him a small shake of her head and a small smile afterward, one ears flicking to the side as the other keeps positioned towards him.

Let him know what she wanted? Then...she could get anything she wanted? If so, that meant that she would do her best to not ruin his pocket too much and her attention, once again, turns to the window as she looks inside. Maybe that loaf of bread and that piece of meat? She asks herself, frowning in thought.



purgedvirtue March 28 2010, 03:16:07 UTC
"They look good, don't they?"

Hope gives a little smile toward the, admittedly, somewhat strange looking woman. His time spent exploring this town had thankfully gone a little better than his time camping out near that Chaos Gate in some vain search for any of his comrades. But he knew he couldn't all his time sitting around and figured he needed to give the whole fighting thing a try and really it hadn't been as terrible as it had been on Gran Pulse. Though he was ever-so slowly having to get used to the fact he no longer had all his magic from home or even Alexander.

Nevertheless, he looks back to the window and sighs, pressing a hand to his stomach. "Then again, when you're hungry, everything looks good."


illuminatism March 28 2010, 08:28:34 UTC
At least he had come to realize that he had didn't have all of his magic; the wolf had yet to take notice of the fact that she seemed to lack her celestial brush techniques. There had been so many other things that took to preoccupying her mind for the last day or so (of which included learning that the Chaos Gates did not quite equal that of a Spirit Gate ( ... )


purgedvirtue March 28 2010, 09:23:19 UTC
Alright, admittedly those ears have a lot of Hope's attention at the moment. He really didn't figure them to me real--more like, attached to a headband kind of deal. But, this place really wasn't what he'd consider the norm so things branching out and away from the spectrum where, he figured, to be expected.

The smile widens a bit at her nod of agreement, his stomach itself giving a hungry growl in agreement. Chuckling a bit before speaking, "I think I'm going to get myself something, would you like anything?"


illuminatism March 29 2010, 18:35:19 UTC

With the lack of any sort of threat in this town - no one was reaking havoc nor did there seemed to be no demons terrorizing the townsfolk - that a little snack would be okay to have before continuing on. At least, in her mind, it seemed like it would be okay. Especially given everything that she had gone through with her companion(s) before waking in Mac Anu.

The growl of his stomach gets another smile out of her and it was quite nice of him to offer. Raising a finger Amaterasu points to the meat on the display that she had been eying before his appearance. That, please, if you would not mind.


maxmystats March 28 2010, 15:30:18 UTC
It was fairly easy to figure out the weird chick wasn't an NPC, because none of them looked like that, and they wouldn't be pressed up a window, drooling like an idiot. Lotto stared as he passed, before pausing and ambling over, hands in pockets.

"Hey. You're new, right?" What kind of class looked like... that?


illuminatism March 29 2010, 18:30:02 UTC
An Adept Rogue, that's what kind of class could look like this.

A slight twitch of her ears and Amaterasu turns her attention towards the other player. Was it really that obvious that she was a newcomer to this place? Had this person been here for awhile and that is why it seemed to easy to make that guess?

So many question, but no real way to say them.

But she gives a small nod of her head. "Mm."


maxmystats March 30 2010, 18:37:06 UTC
That was... informative. Lotto tilted his head and stared at her blankly for another moment, before releasing an annoyed huff and crossing his arms. "I'm Yureka. What's your name?"

Whoever - or whatever - she was, she'd at least provide a break from the monotony.


illuminatism April 1 2010, 01:26:17 UTC
Going to open her mouth to respond, Amaterasu stops as nothing comes out despite the beginning movement of her name. She offers Yureka and apologetic expression before reaching into her robe.

The Relic, where was it? Kain had shown her how to use it so maybe she could type the words and show it to the girl? She hoped that it would work because she did not have this person's - what had it been referred to as again? - member address so this would prove to be a better means of communication.

"Ah!" There it was!

Pulling it out Amaterasu points to it before pressing at the buttons before her, watching as the words appeared on screen (it was still a little awe-inspiring to see such things) and turns the screen in Yureka's direction.

amaterasu shows on the screen.


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