The Johnson Family Legacy - Generation Three - Chapter One

Apr 05, 2010 21:29

Welcome back! I know I told some of you that we'd be kicking off generation three with Quincie. That was planned, however, I did take half the pictures. But then they started crashing. The Johnson's are fine. But Quincie and Stan's game kept crashing. I'll see if I can get back to them soon :)

Here's a preview of Quincie as a young adult :)

Wow! What a change! Her old look didn't suit her any more, but I think she looks great :) Her birthday was included in her chapter too, that's why I just showed you this picture.

Alana: What the hell is this room for?

Well it used to be were I would take pictures of you. But soon it is going to become your new bedroom :)

Alana: What the hell?! I already have a bedroom!

Yeah, but that's going to turn into Marie's soon.

Alana: Okay, I lost track of you about two minutes ago..

I lol'd when I saw Alana's elder hair!

Alana, I don't think your supposed to sit in the front seat..

Alana: Well, what are you going to do about it? Huh?

Nothing, I was just say -

Alana: Exactly. Now leave me in peace.

Someone has grown an attitude when the aged!

I'd been waiting for this day! Isaac has finally mastered the guitar skill! Whoop!

Isaac: I'm a REAL rocker now!

Meanwhile, Toni was getting better and better at fishing! :D

Toni: Woah! That's a keeper!

Isn't it weird how they can be so big when the sim catches them. Then they shrink when put into a tank or fish bowl!

I had a lot of simoleons, so I brought them a game console!

Alana: Why did we never have one these before?! Come on you damn car! Faster! FASTER!

Toni was a bit more relaxed than her hype grandmother.

Toni: Slow and steady, wins the race!

Alana: NO NO! Don't crash now! You damn motorcycle!

Marie: Hey guys!

Looks like a typical grandmother, mother, daughter moment <3

Alana: What slow coaches! Look at me turn!

Alana: Vrummmmmmmmmmmmm..... BEEP BEEP!

Alana, you don't have to add your own sound affects..

I completely redecorated the living room. I splashed out on High End Loft Stuff!
And note. The diamond pattern on the wall next to the TV was moved above the stereo after I took these pictures.

Everything is basically in the same place. Just more modern versions of the object.


The top view.

I'm sure we'll see a lot of Toni and Rick hanging out in this new modernized living room :)

The time came for Isaac's birthday party into a elder. I was dreading how he would look as an elder. Just because men seem age more than women in the sims.

Marie: Give me a D, D! Give me a A, A! Give me a D, D! give me a D, D! give me a Y, Y! What does it spell? D-A-D-D-Y!

As usual, Toni tried her best to make herself into the pictures.

Alana: Finally he'll be one of us Corbin! One of us!

Corbin isn't an elder..

Alana: Really? I just thought he aged really well.

Isaac: Shewww

Toni: Going...To...Loose...Air!

I wouldn't be surprised, look how hard your blowing on that thing!

Isaac: What if my hand falls off..

That's not going to happen -__-

Isaac: Well just in case. Bu-bye hand!

Woah cool! You kept your hair ;D

Isaac: Yeah, but I think I lost my back.

Isaac: I'm as stiff as a pineapple..

Isaac: But least I didn't part from my hand!

Rick seemed confident on getting his children muscular..

Rick: If you don't have muscles! There was no point of me living!

Wow, harsh.

As usual some stranger decided to walk into a garden through our gate.. I really dislike that gate.

Somehow, Isaac and Alana appeared outside. Just when they were in bed a minute ago.. And then they started flirting.

You can't tell the difference between Alana as an adult and Alana as an elder in the moonlight.

Eww.. Oldies kissing in public!

Corbin's shower hair showed high competition to his dad's.

Alana, your looking very business like.

Alana: Can't talk having an important business conversation.


It was finally time for the triplets birthday into young adults. For some reason Haden was delayed so his triplets carried on without him.

Corbin: I hope I have a bogeyman come visit me in the night!

Strange kid. Is that smoke coming from the stove Alana?

Alana: Nope! No way would I leave something cooking.

Toni: I smell burning.

I know, I think Alana lied to us.

Yep, that's going to burn quickly. I certainly hope it doesn't catch anyone..

I had to come.

Toni: Enough about the fire! How do I look?!

Err.. Well, you look great! It's just that hair.

No one was putting the fire out. So I put Alana on the case!

Finally Haden showed up! Alana was still struggling with the fire...

Corbin: Oh no! Something's happening down there!

Nice to know..

Corbin: How do I look? Bootylicious?

Not quite.. You look great though! :)

Corbin: Oh yeah!

Haden: Yay! No fire for my birthday!

Haden: Will I still get to wear this cool top I've had since a child?

Yep! :)

Haden: Here I go then!

You look.. Chinese..

Haden: But still good?

Still good! :D

Here's the heir of generation three :) I gave her angler to help with her life time wish :)

Here's Corbin looking the most mature he's ever looked! He rolled childish! What a coincidence as his future spouse has both insane and childish! They were meant to be..!

Haden rolled disciplined. Kind of funny how he had Chinese themed clothes when he aged as well :)
I just had to give both the boys stubble. They didn't look right without them :)

Isaac: What are you doing walking round here think your man of the house.. Your not you know! Shave that stubble right away!

Haden: Whatever gramps

Isaac: I don't care for men with stubble trying to look better than us clean shave guys!

Isaac: Oh great, now you made me poop my nappy. Thanks guys just thanks!


Since Mason will soon be moving in. I re did the whole of the downstairs left side to fit this spare bedroom in. For now it will be Isaac's and Alana's bedroom. But it may be used differently in the future. :)

I themed it Chinese for some reason. I don't know why..

Top view of the downstairs.

Top view upstairs. All the empty rooms are for Toni's soon to come children :)

Haden: Yeah, I'd like a house for me and my brother....... No were not in a relationship.........No were not gay.......And no I'm not paying you now.

So Haden and Corbin moved out :) Ready for their future spouses.

Toni: Why am I here? And who's that man?

Your future spouse and his temporary house :)

Toni: Woah, your a poet and you didn't even know it!

These two are going to make some cute kids!

For some reason, they went in and sat on the couch. Mason was to engrossed to notice Toni was there at all.

Mason: Ah ha! I had a guest didn't I!

Yep.. In fact she's sitting right next to you...

Mason: Yeah, sorry about the whole, "forgetting you were here situation" !

Toni: Whatever! Look at this face I'm making!

Mason: Haha! LOL! Your the best at that! I'm getting over excited!

Mason seems to be happy about making faces with Toni. There made for each other!

After that, Toni and Mason headed back to Toni's house.

Mason: Oooo, look at these sexy muscles!

Mason: RAWRR!

Toni: Hi 5 Mason!

LOL at this picture! I wonder what she was really doing..

Mason: I sense someone behind me..

Wow, he's good! It looks like Alana is coming to butt into their conversation.. She's always talking to people without me telling her to.

Alana: So Antoinette? Who's your single male friend?

Toni: Grandma! top embarrassing me!

Alana: Don't be silly Antoinette! He doesn't mind!

It looks like Mason is admiring Alana. A lot of men in the family do, especially Haden..

Toni: Now that my grandma has gone, how about we get to know each other?

Mason: Eh he!

Mason! Stop looking at her breasts!

Mason: I'm not! I'm admiring her chest.


Liking those jeans Isaac!

Isaac: I rock every look!

Toni and Mason were kicking it off!

Toni: Your eyes are so pretty!

There's that cute kiss! ^__^

Toni: Heheh!

Toni: Weee!

Mason: OMG!

I think your going to knock him over there Toni!

Mason: God your heavy!

What a reassuring thing to say to your crush.

Toni: I'm not fat, your just weak!

You go girl!

Marie seemed to be painting a fatter version of the Mona Lisa.. Still it's good!

Toni: So, do you want to start seeing me? I'm pretty aren't I?

Mason: Uh ah! Yep!

Toni: You just wait there and don't go off with your little baby feet!

Toni: Oh, nearly dropped the damn box..

Toni: Will you marry me Mason Green?

Mason: Err, yeah about that..


How can you reject a face like that?!

:'( So sad..

Mason: Nah, not now..


Toni: Now will your marry me?

Mason: HAHAHA! You must be kidding me! LOL!

Mason: LOL! This is the funniest thing I've ever seen!

Toni: You don't have to laugh..

Mason: Oh, no it's okay.. I'm calming down now...

Mason: No wait! Not done! LOL!

Toni: Well you sir, are sleeping on the couch tonight..

Alana: What's with this weird room.

It's your brand new bedroom!

Alana: Meh, a bed is a bed..

Marie seemed to get used to her new bed quickly.

Isaac: I'm to cool for these shades.. Heck, I'm to call for anything!

Mason: Can we go have sex now?

Toni: Whatever you feel like!

I guess the "sleeping on the couch" went to put..

Toni: Time to make cuteness!

Sleep tight! :)

That's the end of this chapter, I hope you liked it! I have a feeling this chapter wasn't as good as the others, don't know why.. Well, anyway! Remember to join The Johnson Family Legacy fan page, Or add Alex Avo as a friend! Please join :D

Thanks! Remember to comment! :D

generation three

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