The Johnson Family Legacy - Generation Three - Chapter Two

Apr 08, 2010 20:50

Welcome back to the Johnson legacy! :) I over played the Sims, so except a few more chapters coming out soon! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for all the support! Enjoy :D

Last chapter we left off with all the children growing up and moving out. Except Toni of course! She was introduced to her future spouse! Even though he rejected her hand in marriage twice in a row.. I know they were meant for each other!

It's really nice that your "getting to know each other" but, do you really have to do it in front of your granddad? And Mason, who comes into a girls house and start kissing (in your underwear) in front of a man he hasn't even seen before? Talk about rude guests..

Isaac: No, I like it! It brings back old memories..

Of what? You and Alana kissing less than ten minutes ago?

Isaac: Yeah.. Boy I loved those days..

Someone's getting amnesia

Toni: Right, I know your rejected me twice yesterday.. But, Mason Green, will your marry me?

Isaac: Oh joy, another married couple..

Mason: Oh gosh! It's so big! It's like a diamond!

I'm sure it is a diamond..

Isaac: If you want me I'll be in the tub.

*note-please ignore the fact that Mason has a different hairstyle for everything but everyday. I forgot to lock in his usual one*

Mason: Oh yes, yes!

If you'd said that yesterday we wouldn't be in this situation..

Mason: Don't drop it! I know how clumsy you can be!

What a nice thing to say to your fiancé

Told you they were meant for each other!

Baby No.1 on the way :)

While Toni was busy throwing up her breakfast, Mason decided to leave. Meh, I wanted a wedding party this time anyway.

Toni: Yeah, and I want a big arch! Ooo and flowers! And chairs, don't forget the chairs!

Toni, you have to provide that yourself. I invited, Leah, Phoebe, Jodie, Haden, Quincie, Corbin and obviously Mason. I hope they all show themselves!

I added a sprinkler to the garden. It seems Isaac isn't familiar with one.

Isaac: What the hell is this!? Some kind of machine that sprays water?

Pretty much yeah..

Isaac: Cool! Na, na na na na! I'm taller!

How does that come in to it?

Isaac: Because I'm old you see!


Toni: My eyes have been soiled by my granddads old ass!

It was time for the party, it was at Crystal Springs (I think that's what it was called..) I headed over there to see if anyone was there yet. Corbin and Leah were the first ones to arrive. Excuse Leah's wedding dress, I obviously forgot to change that after her wedding. Your going to be seeing a lot of them and not just Toni's..
And excuse her hair. She grew into a Adult. However after I took this picture Leah ran off..

Phoebe was the next to arrive. Again, another wedding dress.

Then Quincie, who looked a bit like a black panther.. Although I liked that dress :)

It's not a party without a randomer! And our randomer was Conner Frio.

Soon after, was Jodie. Told you there'd be more wedding dresses.

Finally, the legacy family started to show, Rick was the first there.

Then Marie, with another wedding dress.

Then Isaac, wearing his everyday being the inappropriate man he is.

Then Haden, but just like his aunt Leah, He left straight after his arrival.

And last but not least, Alana.

Toni was of the only women not wearing a wedding dress. And it was her wedding.

Eventually the wedding ceremony began!

Jodie: Yay! I love weddings!

Because there was so many people, for some reason most of them couldn't get close enough to see what was happening. Jodie and Conner seemed to be the only ones enjoying it..

Mason placed Antoinette's ring on her..

Antoinette placed Mason's ring on him..

I love it when they do this! It's so cute <3

And of course, end with a kiss. Although there lips never touched,

Jodie: Ah, weddings bring a tear to my eye!

Phoebe: Move I want to congratulate my niece.

Marie: You move I want to congratulate my daughter.

They stood like this the whole ceremony..

Afterwards Toni couldn't help herself! She just had to fish!

Mason, what a nice thing to do to your grandmother-in-law especially when she's at the age she is.


Alana: Whaaaa!

Alana: Oh god! My heart stopped for a minute then!

Toni caught her first piranha, how fake does the piranha look there?

Quincie was reading through the whole wedding until she left. Strange because she doesn't have the bookworm trait.

Toni had had the nauseous moodlet for quite sometime. Finally she was ready to hurl, for some reason to do this she ran around the whole lake then came up the hilly part, kind of looks like she's flying there huh?

Then she got to the top. Stood there and the moodlet disappeared, she wasn't sick or anything.. Weird!

What are you doing getting out of bed in the middle of the night?

Toni: What do you think?


Toni: Oo, an invisible baby bump! I wasn't expecting this!

Then what were you expecting?

Toni: I thought the fishes were calling me to join them in the sea and be there queen..

Right.. I don't think fish can talk love..

Toni: What are you on about?! Pfftt.. Of course fish can talk!

I think all that fishing has got to your head.

Mason's athleticism had was improving quickly! I knew he'd be completing his life time wish very soon :)

Although he has the occasional fall.

Mason: Oh god! Help me! It's dragging me into the carpet abyss!

What's that you've caught?

Toni: I'm not sure.. Maybe it's a magical object to send me to to sea and be the fishes queen!

Toni: Oh, it's just a box.

Oh what a shame.


Sheesh, calm down it's only a toilet. Fix it if your so bothered..

I invited Alana's boss around so Alana could have a better relationship with him. They were talking and I saw the "Ask for a promotion" option, Alana was on level seven in the business career and she was close enough to getting a promotion anyway, so I clicked it. And he gave her a promotion! Yay! But little did I know that Level eight in the business career track was CEO! Which was Alana's LTW! So this picture is of Alana finally reaching her Life time wish :) That's why she is so happy here!

Oh please not again..

Alana: AHHH! Oh my! Who keeps scaring me like that!

Well this time around it was your boss.

Alana: People really shouldn't do that to a fragile women like myself.

One by one the family were discovering the sprinkler,

Mason: Spank those buttocks!

Mason: Eat this water giver!

Mason: Glorious!

Mason: What are you doing? I want to go downstairs!

Toni: I'm just getting some cake to eat, what's the problem with that?

Mason: We'll I'd be easy on the cake, you've already but quite a bit of weight on.

No one is as thick as Mason...

Toni was catching fish by the dozen! She'd already caught two perfect quality fish. eleven more to go! :)

Toni: Wow! A shark!

Woah, that's a big one! Funny how it shrinks as soon as it goes in the aquarium or fish bowl..

Toni: Wow! So clown fish do look like clowns!

They don't actually, they look like that but without the red nose.. We found that out in Finding Nemo.

Alana was looking very swanky in her limousine! I don't get that weird outfit though..

Toni: Well, I think it's time I told you.. You know before when you said I was eating to much cake that's what made my stomach like this, well I was eating a lot of cake because of my cravings.. But that's because..

Toni: I'm a portable bouncy castle! How exciting!

Mason: Oh god! Really?! I thought you were pregnant or something but this is so cool!

Mason: Can I have a go?!

So gullible..

Toni: Nah, I was joking. I'm pregnant!

Mason: Both is cool, both is cool!

Mason: O! I think it's talking to me!

Mason: It's saying... Please tell mummy, that Mason has been working hard on his treadmill, and is to tired to do the dishes today, so can you do them to give daddy a break?! How weird is that Toni! I guess we'll just have to do what it want's, although I would really love to help you with the dishes.

You don't see much of Mason's childish side. But it is there :)

Mason: I'll be able to make faces with my baby soon!

Yeah, very soon.

Toni: Oh god! What is this pain I am suffering!

Let's just say your portable bouncy castle is popping.

Oh crap, what happened to you?

Mason: I tried to fix the stereo..

Well don't try again unless you want to die.

Mason: Woah! Dying is so cool!

No it's not.

Mason: Oh god! What's happening to my wife!

She's giving birth didn't you have sex education in school?

Mason: Don't say sex! That's a dirty word!

Toni: This is a piece of cake..

Everyone always says that..

Until it happens again.

Toni: That's it! I'm going to the hospital!

No your not!

Mason: Why? What's with that?!

Mason: Ki pow!

I think you just take a shower before your brain frazzles up.

Toni: Did I hate you or something!?!? Let me go to the frigging hospital!

No hospital births when I'm around!

Toni: I see a sparkle!

I love that face!

Toni: Here I go! Wish me luck!

Good luck?!

And It's a girl! I really think the Johnson family are meant for girls! None of the women have ever eat watermelons. And the reason Marie had Corbin and Haden is because she eat apples! Seriously...

Still, I'm sure she's still cute :) I don't care whether it is a boy or a girl. I just want more than four children this generation to be honest.

Her name is Daisy :) Everyone say hello to the first child of generation three, Daisy Johnson!

Why his wide was giving birth, Mason went and had fun on the swings..

As I've said before, I see no point in having the children as babies. Because I can't really decorate there rooms, because there favourite colour is usually sea foam or white.. So I like to see their looks as a toddler before I make their rooms :)

Alana seems happy about her first great-grandchild.

I hope she'll have Mason's eyes <3

Isaac: Haha! She's my first great-grandchild!

Then Daisy should really be laughing and pointing at you not the other way round.

And of course, a birthday isn't complete with the mother smothering the baby with her breasts.

I just know she'll be as cute as her mother :)

Here we go.. Time to see Daisy Johnson!

Oh joy, more blonde hair.. Leasts their isn't any green eyes like her mother he grandmother :) I'm glad Alana's eyes are finally out of the family, I was getting fed up of those dark blue eyes.

I think it's certain that she has her mothers hair and her grandfathers (Ricks) eyes <3
No time for the make-over!

Daisy: Me look good already!

Oh god! Another super cute toddler! <3 She rolled virtuoso and absent minded :) I love her little pony tail <3

That's the end of this chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it! Please leave comments! Tell me what you think of Daisy! I should of the next chapter out this weekend :) Please add Alex Avo as a friend, and join the Johnson Family Legacy fan page! :)

Thanks! :D

generation three

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