The Johnson Legacy Generation 2 Chapter 10 Part 2

Apr 01, 2010 21:26

Sorry for having to splitting the chapter up but before you read this chapter..

Why are you eating the specially made turkey?

Toni: Well, I have school in a minute so I might not be there for the party.

True, but still...

Oh that's totally not cool! You don't eat a bit and leave the rest!

The first guest arrived! I only invited, Jodie, Phoebe and Leah. For some reason Jodie doesn't seem to happy about being here.


I waited for ages but no one else cam to the party, the must of been put off by OldieLady.. I waited so long that by that time the children were back from school..

And for some reason very stinky.. What's with the stink?

Toni: Gym

Haden: Whooo! Gym!

It was finally time for Alana to become an elder. Boy will I miss her..

You should be very proud Alana, your the first elder of the Johnson Legacy!

Alana: Yeah, well I'm not too chuffed about it..

Alana: Urgh.. I knew these had to come..

Shake that booty Alana! I love this picture :)

Huh? I don't think the transformation is fully completed..

Uh, there we go..

Alana: Yay! I can move my fingers! I don't have arthritis!

Alana: But these clothes don't help me at all..

Isaac: Quincie, move so I can laugh at your old grandmother!

Quincie: How pleasant of you granddad.

Alana looks great as an elder! And yes, I'm no longer doing WBP (White Background Pictures) I'm going to use CAS (Creat A Sim)

I hope you liked the last chapter of generation two! I'm going to do a little poll, it's a question I've been wondering about for a while! Poll #xxxx
Thanks! Remember to comment!

generation two

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