So our mare finally had her baby. She was due on the 17 so she tortured us for another 10 day! Walked out this morning to see a baby on the ground. Pictures beneath the cut
For any of my lj friends that are on Facebook this literally takes 30 seconds to Vote. Chase is giving away 1 million dollars to the charity that wins the most votes on Facebook.
A very moving video about some of the struggles families who deal with Autism on a day out day in video go through. I can say that the first time my sister asked for
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Title: Double Trouble Author: Alexandria Kanaras Rating: T Summary: Was leaving really the best idea? Pairing: Kara/Lee, Jean/Sam, Helo/Sharon Spoilers: None. The show is over.
It was fun after the enitial panic attack. They moved the festival for our town from it's normal place and we didn't know that. So we show up at the park and no one was there. I go into a store and the attended tells me that it's at the Sound Advise theatre
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