(no subject)

Apr 25, 2008 20:01

Title: Girlfriend. Part 5 (complete)

Characters: Gabriel/Eden.

Rating: R.

Word count: 1,311

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Summery: AU. Eden is a callgirl in this fic and Gabriel her "client"

Note: Does she get out? *whistles*

Parts: 1, 2 , 3, 45

He stands in the same place for hours, watches the window reflected in the mirror as the sun starts to rise, casting the room in a strange gloom before it starts to tinge the walls gold. He feels oddly relaxed now, maybe because he’s surrounded by order, the neat rows of his books and the absence of sound. Before he felt like he was going to burst with the drumming and thundering in his ears.

“Gabriel?” Her voice is muffled and thick. Confused. His stomach flips over and his heart beats harder as he stares at the mirror, at himself.

“I’m here.”

“Wh - what’s going on? Where am I?” Her voice is quite, with an edge of humour, like he’s playing a trick on her. She’s trying to keep calm.

“You’re in my old bedroom, I’m sorry it’s a mess…Don’t be mad at me ok?” Silence greets him from the other side and his forehead crinkles; he presses his hand to the smeared surface “Sarah?”

“Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.” She keeps saying it, over and over again, her voice growing high and thin with fear.

“Sarah? Sarah? Calm down, everything is gonna be ok. I’m keeping you safe.” Her vocation cuts off sharply, replaced by that voiding silence. Boom! He rockets back with a gasp as she bangs on the door, shouting loudly.

“Let me out! Let me out right now!”

“Sarah, shh -” He presses a finger to his lips, her distress making him feel dizzy.

“Let me out Gabriel!”

“Sar -”


“BE QUIET!” His voice shocks him and he bites his lip but it gets the desired effect as she falls silent. He takes a deep breath, moving closer. “I’m sorry I shouted at you, I don’t want you to get stressed. You shouldn’t be angry at me Sarah, I’m helping you.”

She laughs, a nervous tittering sound that makes him shiver. “You’re a freak. Oh god, I saw that in you but I ignored it. Jesus, Jesus…” She keeps on talking under her breath but he can’t make it out.

Gabriel’s face flashes with hurt and confusion, breath getting caught in his throat. “You don’t mean that.” He strokes the pad of his fingers down the glass with a squeak, the other in a fist.

“You’re keeping me prisoner!”

“I’m keeping you safe. I love you Sarah.”

That’s when she starts to cry and he can’t bear it. He knows this must be horrible to her, knows that he must look bad but he had to do it. He tells her gently, his voice guttural with tears as she sobs.

“Please, please don’t be scared. I swear I’m not doing this to harm you or anything like that, I can’t believe you would think that after everything I‘ve done for you… But I know you’ll go and leave me once you pay that debt off, you won’t need me anymore.”

“I wasn’t, I wouldn’t. Please Gabriel, let me out. If I don’t pay they’ll come looking for me. I don’t won’t you to get hurt because that‘s what they promised, but you‘ll be the one in hospital instead.” Her breath hitches and she sighs.

“Hurt? They’ll hurt you?” He waits for her to answer but she doesn’t, just cries quietly. “No one will hurt you, I’m going to make sure.”

“What?” She sniffs on the other side and her voice becomes stronger “What do you mean?”

But it’s his turn at the silent treatment as he keeps his lips locked.

“Gabriel - Gabriel you’re not thinking clearly. Come on, you’re an intelligent, rational person. This is wrong, you know it is.”

He frowns, shaking his head at himself, his reflection white faced. “I’d be stupid to let you go, let you leave and do that. No you might not see it now but this is for the best. You won’t have to give yourself to anyone, not ever.” he smiles with a soft sincerity.

“I hate you.”

“What?” His stomach drops and he feels sick.

“I hate you right now. You think you’re being smart and nice but you’re not. You’ve done this totally without my consent. You’re sick, you need help.” Her voice is soft, monotone but her words tremble. The air in the room suddenly becomes non existent and he can’t even see his face before him. He slips down onto his knees and places his fingers against his mouth, then takes his glasses off. She starts to plead and swear at him again and a sob escapes him. Her voice floats out next to his ear, she’s on her knees like him.

He moves closer to the mirror and presses his face to it. “You said you loved me.”

She gaps on the other side, proclaiming her love back in rushed but ultimately pleading voice. She’s scared of him.

“I’m sorry Sarah, I’m not doing this to hurt you, you know I’d never do that. But I can’t let you go. I love you to much.” He sighs, getting to his feet and rubs his hands over his face before putting his glasses back on.

“Don’t leave me!” Her voice is extremely panicked and he looks back in anguish. “Please don’t leave me in here.”

He walks backwards, knowing that if he stays her voice would ensnare him, her pain. He feels chocked. “I need to go away and think but I’ll come back. I’d never - never leave you in there for good. I’m going to fix everything.” He picks up her little black book in a fist and walks out of his apartment, closing the door gently and tries not to cry.


Hours and hours and hours, seconds trickling by as she presses the watch face up to her ear and lets the sound carry her off to sleep. No way out.

The banging and stamping of feet does not stir her, only when the doors open and the tall figure silhouetted in the light wavering back and forth filters through her lashes. But she can’t tell if he’s moving like that with pain or something else.

She holds her breath and waits to see who her rescuer is.


She sits in her cell, the same boring walls and feels bigger within them with each passing day. Her hair is shiny and soft, she looks plump but she almost shines in the dim light, skin so deprived of sunlight. She tightens her hands around the book he had given her, knuckles sharp and white as he smiles across from her, the yellow bruises on his face all but gone now.

“One more month and then you’ll be out.” He sits, meek and unassuming is his tweed and glasses, not the sort of man to put another in intensive care. Not the sort of man that had the mind to take down who and what he wanted.

She smiles at him with affection, breathing deep the damp air. “I know. And you, you always wait for me.” He would do anything for her, she sees that now. Absolutely anything.

His eyes gleam and his lips part to show white even teeth. “Of course I do. I’ve got no one but you.” And she has no one but him, he had made sure of that. Down to the very last name scribbled in her address book.

Sarah had often wished to be rescued as a child, would persevere through her troubles with the conviction that it would get better, she would be rewarded. Mentally she envisioned her father as the rescuer when she was very young, and then fictional heroes and then her latest crush.

Never did she think it would be this anachronism, this feral man in docile garb. Sarah smiles at him, reaching over to stroke his hair.

“One more month.”

gabden, fic: girlfriend, heroes

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