Title: The Strange & Horrifying Case of Kamenashi Kazuya
Pairing: Kame x AT-TUN
Rating: R (prologue) / NC-17 (Files)
Genre: AU, crime, psychological thriller
deshisorabaDisclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary: Here is the case file you requested, Case 1582-02-23-KT.
Warnings: Okay, firstly... ah, don't read this if you are squeamish. Seriously. You have been warned. There may or may not be character death (you'll have to read to find out) but that's not the worst of it by far. Umm.. help, Desh? Do you think this is enough warning or am I understating things? Though this prologue should be safe enough to read either way.
A/N: This story is inspired by (read: ripped off like hell from) the
PV for VIXX's song "Voodoo Doll" which I definitely suggest you watch at some point.
Akame Shinies -
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