Mini ficlet: "Serendipitous" [PG - Ten/Jack]

Jun 29, 2009 11:02

Title: Serendipitous
Author: aibhinn
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Rating: PG
Word Count: 449
Summary: Evenings without danger can be fun. Even serendipitous. Takes place long after Journey's End.
Warnings: As fluffy as Ten and Jack can ever get.
Author's Note: The fourth of my Stump the Author memes, this one for wendymr. Her prompt: "Jack/Ten, and serendipity." Hope you like this one, Wendy!

Jack allowed himself to be led through the measures of the dance, grinning with delight. It wasn't often that the TARDIS took them somewhere filled with fun and celebration, rather than death and destruction-or at least mortal danger-so he was going to enjoy it to the best of his ability. The young lady who was his current partner was having as much fun as he, dancing backwards and tugging him along by both hands. He made an honest attempt at the steps, though after three or four of the drinks they'd offered, he was just buzzed enough not to care when he messed up, and found himself laughing like a loon.

Then there was an odd sidestep, a twisting kind of motion, and his partner traded with the one next to him-who happened to be the Doctor. The Time Lord blinked, then grinned. "Why, Jack Harkness. Fancy meeting you here."

"Almost serendipitous," Jack agreed, feeling his lips tugging into an even wider smile.

Off to the side, a high arch of flowers was being erected beside a fire about half a meter tall. Couples were lining up, the women kilting their skirts up to their knees. Each couple in their turn took a running start, leapt over the bonfire, and ran through the arch on the other side, to loud and raucous cheers. Jack leaned over to be heard. "What's this?"

"Marriage ceremony," the Doctor told him as a pair of women grabbed each other by the hand, grinned at each other, and ran for the fire. Their leap cleared the flames by a good margin farther than any of the previous couples, and the cheer for them was correspondingly louder. "Jump the fire and go through the arch, and you're declaring your intent in front of the community. That's all that's required here." There was a pause, and the Doctor said, "So how are your jumping skills, Captain?"

Startled, Jack turned to look at him. The Doctor's eyes were very, very dark in the firelight, and there was an expression on his face Jack had only seen rarely: it was his true face, not the faux-human expression he wore most of the time. Deep lines were etched around his eyes, lines of centuries gone, loves lost, lives broken. But there was a spark there, too: a spark of hope, that perhaps, with this one human, there could be more.

And just like that, the decision was made.

Jack shucked his greatcoat and held out his hand wordlessly. The Doctor's face lit up. He, too, pulled his long coat off, and the two of them went to the end of the queue to wait their turn.

ten/jack, one-shot, stump the author, fic, jack, tenth doctor, doctor who

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