Mini ficlet: "Happy Christmas" [PG - Ten/Rose]

Jun 28, 2009 11:52

Title: Happy Christmas
Author: aibhinn
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
Word Count: 265
Summary: Rose awakes to find an…unusual…breakfast.
Warnings: Um. Fluff?
Author's Note: Written for azriona, who stumped me in my Stump the Author meme. Her prompt: "Ten, Rose, and a turkey."

Rose stumbled into the galley in her pyjamas, still rubbing sleep from her eyes. She'd really wanted to sleep a bit longer, but the noise coming from in here had her too curious. "What's going on?" she asked, around a yawn.

The Doctor spun around from where he stood at the counter, and gave her a bright grin. "Happy Christmas, Rose!" he said.

She blinked. "Christmas?" she said. "Is it really?"

"Certainly. If we take the date that you started travelling with me as a starting date, and count the number of days in a year, then in relative terms, this is actually your second Christmas with me."

"What happened to our first one?"

"I took you to Woman Wept, remember?"

Rose boggled. "You took me to Woman Wept as a Christmas present?"

The Doctor gave her a Look. "Honestly, Rose. Can you see me cooking in my last body? Speaking of which-" He pulled on a pair of oven mitts and opened the door to the oven. A heavenly odour wafted out as he carefully lifted out a roaster. Inside was the most beautifully browned, perfectly-cooked turkey Rose had ever seen. "There you are," he said, proudly. "Turkey dinner. The TARDIS did most of the rest of it, but the turkey's all mine."

Rose chuckled. She wasn't going to quibble about not having got him a present, or about Christmas breakfast versus Christmas dinner-this was perfect just as it was. She made her way over to the beaming Time Lord, and kissed him on the cheek. "S'wonderful," she said. "Happy Christmas, Doctor."

fluff, one-shot, stump the author, fic, tenth doctor, doctor who, ten/rose

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