LJ, Must I Quit You?

Apr 06, 2017 06:16

I'm loath to quit my LJ since I shelled out like $300 for a permanent account long ago. Plus, I don't think dreamwidth cross-posts to FB, and I still sometimes hope people might be following along. I've kind of lost track of friends after quitting FB, and that upsets me ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

adoptedwriter April 6 2017, 12:16:39 UTC

I'm here for now but I agree the political dealings make it uncool.


ahavah April 6 2017, 12:26:09 UTC
There's a lot of questionable stuff in that translation. I'm here for now...but I'm increasingly thinking it's maybe just a warning so my friends will know I'm leaving. I'm leaning heavily toward deletion after reading that other translation. It makes me sad, especially that I would lose access to old friends' journals, but very few friends are left here anyway. Feel free to join me over at DW! I was glad they let you back up your entire LJ. Now I don't hesitate *nearly* so much to delete and move on, knowing I still have old posts.


browncouch April 6 2017, 12:54:23 UTC
I backed up on DW and felt really gross about the whole thing. It's not legally binding outside of Russia, but I feel a bit unsafe. Is that irrational? I think eventually nothing will happen and we will feel comfortable with our old LJs again.


ahavah April 6 2017, 12:57:54 UTC
It's not true that it's only binding for Russians though, is it? If we agree, we're bound by the new agreement -- and you HAVE to agree to access your journal.

I'm hoping that it will end up being nothing, but I hate to support a site that is actively targeting others (and Russia's government does actively target dissidents on social media). I'm torn. I also remembered that my scrapbook here has tons of pics, and I'd hate to lose that option as well. But I don't like supporting sketchy companies. LJ is going way down the road of sketchy lately.


browncouch April 6 2017, 13:02:20 UTC
Man, I don't know anything but I feel the same as you do. I have to let it slide for now, because I don't want to be anxious about a website. I'm open to both leaving and staying at this moment.


llblckraincloud April 6 2017, 14:37:47 UTC
Honestly, I think the only thing USA people need to be concerned about is spontaneous deletion for publishing something the Russians might not like. Can't do much more to us than that. People elsewhere might have other issues depending on where they're at.

For now, I'm keeping it, though it's mostly to see what happens in the transitioning phases and to make sure I don't leave anyone behind. We'll see what happens.


ahavah April 6 2017, 14:42:15 UTC
That's my thought as well, but I guess I just don't like the idea of coasting on privilege when others are being targeted. Assuming others are indeed being actively targeted. I'm still not 100% clear on that, but some European friends have told me this is happening, though perhaps not yet on LJ. The rules have just changed though.

It's like, are my icons and scrapbooks more important than standing against bullshittery? I guess that's where my head's at right now. I don't know. I really loved LJ back in the day and got a permanent account for specific reasons, but I don't like supporting or implicitly agreeing with a company that apparently targets a great many of the things I like and people just like me.


llblckraincloud April 6 2017, 14:47:23 UTC
Yeah, I don't like that either. And you never know. I know the climate in Russia is very different in terms of what is considered free speech, etc.

Can you take all of that off and save it somewhere on your computer? I know not having all of them uploaded sucks, but you can go through a rotation, etc. Same with the scrapbooks. There are other places to house those. It sucks that you're out the money for the permanent account though :(


ahavah April 6 2017, 14:54:44 UTC
I can keep them, but the pics would disappear from all my DW posts. Plus I'm not sure where to store them online (in case of comp problems). I used to have a flickr, which I could maybe figure out the password to, but it changed so that you can only see the most recent photos unless you pay. I quit using it when they did that. I guess it'd be a place to house stuff on my blog and I'll just be careful with tags so I can find them again.


beauty_forashes April 6 2017, 17:30:54 UTC
Pfftt - I'm not leaving LJ because of that, and I am LGBT and appreciate both privacy and democracy. But LJ is my virtual home (I too have a permanent account), and I'm not being driven from my virtual home just because the landlord happens to be an asshole.


ahavah April 6 2017, 18:00:17 UTC
I like the way you put that! That's also a good way to look at it.


beauty_forashes April 6 2017, 19:05:09 UTC
Thanks! :)


(The comment has been removed)

ahavah April 7 2017, 10:05:45 UTC
This may be the best answer yet.


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