STALKER GIRL *will* have her trinkets...

Mar 17, 2010 16:50

OMGOMGOMG I TOTALLY FOUND IT...! I'm 99.9% sure the Wander/Big Valley china is Salem China, Princess Anne (pattern!) The pictures don't include some of the completer pieces that would totally clinch this, but from what's there, I'm totally sure:

Here are some pieces I found on eBay where the teacups look even more exact:


Dinner Plate:

Bread Plate:


I never took screen caps of the set on Big Valley, but caps from WWW are back on this post. notes this pattern was discontinued in 1953, which is quite a gap from when the shows filmed, but doesn't *totally* contradict - Who knows when the studio actually purchased these, or from where... They may have been bought from a discount clearance place, or maybe even an antique shop...? Or sat around in the studio's storage warehouse for years before being used...?

I'm so excited!!! But, a little sad... I think I must have spent *hundreds* of hours searching for this over the past year... Really. The end of a fairly time consuming hobby. :-)

teacups, wild_wild_west, big_valley

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