I *swear* I'm not on drugs. A little too much caffine, maybe...

Sep 21, 2009 21:55

I can't explain it... (It's probably just a side effect of the stress and depression.) I am completely, utterly, obsessively *consumed* with identifying The Wanderer's china pattern (and obtaining a tea cup.)


Here are source caps...

The basic pattern: Very dark green rim/band with gold filigree, thick on outer edge, diminishing toward inner edge. Scalloped gold line noticably separated from green on inside white field. Floral/bouquet pattern in center (White rose tinged with pink, cluster of blue flowers, leaves and other colors mixed in.)

The teacups have the same pattern as the plate on the saucer (there is a small bouquet under the cup) and there is a small flower cluster inside the cup on the side. See fourth cap for cup shape...

Other dishes in the set (for cross referencing):

Soup tureen - Very round, pattern similar to teacup.

Soup bowls - Green band on *inside*, not outside like other pieces of set. Although there appears to be a serving bowl on the bottom there that is different...

Gravy boat (at upper left hand corner of cap) - similar to soup tureen.

Besides the details of the pattern itself, it could be assumed that the props department purchased the set for the show, which means it was an active pattern around 1964/65. *Unless* they inherited from some other show's props supply OR they wanted something antique-looking and purchased it from an antique shop... I think it's most likely they bought it outright in 1964 though as it's a pretty huge set - I wouldn't think they'd find one that huge used.

I've been digging through replacements.com (an awesome china replacement database,) rubylane.com (antique store with fairly good stock and a search engine,) and eBay. Anyone have other good identification sources I don't know about?

I want to identify the pattern - It's going help find a tea cup to purchase (and is just seriously geeky and therefore appealing in it's own right.)

teacups, wild_wild_west

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