
Sep 07, 2014 02:54

I've actually managed to do something that I've struggled with for a long while: still love one of my own vids when it kinda goes over like a lead balloon. ;) Now, granted, I went into this one (" Moondust" Ben/Maggie, Falling Skies, if you're curious but no worries if you're not, this really isn't a plea for views/comments, I promise! ;) ) knowing ( Read more... )

vidding, i don't even know what to tag this, what the heck am i rambling on about?

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Comments 19

dtstrainers September 7 2014, 12:37:27 UTC
I know what you mean about talky face, but depending on the context of the video, it can sometimes be a blessing or a curse. I've never seen an instance of an otherwise perfectly emotional vid where TF has destroyed it, perhaps because in the few instances I'm thinking of, the inability of the characters to effectively communicate has been the point around which the drama builds. (I'm looking at you, Ten/Rose on Bad Wolf Bay.)
However, when the video is of lesser quality, it can distract quite a bit. It makes it seem that the creator wasn't invested in his or her own idea enough to go out and find suitable footage and just made do with whatever was at hand.
I blame the creators of the original source material. Surely it wouldn't kill them to film a silent, soul-searching version of those climactic scenes and put them on as DVD extras? You can't tell me they haven't seen what the fandom does on YouTube...


dieastra September 7 2014, 17:32:15 UTC
I blame the creators of the original source material. Surely it wouldn't kill them to film a silent, soul-searching version of those climactic scenes and put them on as DVD extras? You can't tell me they haven't seen what the fandom does on YouTube...

Well, we had it once in Stargate, that there was meaningful (something along the lines of "I am not leaving here without you even if it means we both die") text in the script but the actors simply refused to say the lines and just stared at each other for several minutes and let their faces talk. One of the shippiest moments in the series and of course often seen in videos.

So, you need actors that are confident enough to do that ;)


ageless_aislynn September 8 2014, 07:49:43 UTC
However, when the video is of lesser quality, it can distract quite a bit. It makes it seem that the creator wasn't invested in his or her own idea enough to go out and find suitable footage and just made do with whatever was at hand.

Ooo, that's really hit the nail on the head for me. That's definitely what bothers me about talky face, the worry that it's making my vids look like I just did a big ol' clip dump onto the timeline without hardly even looking to see what was there! o_O

I've actually read intros to vids where the vidder straight-up said, "Hope this looks okay. I didn't watch it after I rendered it because I was so eager to post it!" and my reaction was a huge o_@ face. I mean, to not even WATCH your vid once before you post it sounds so uncaring that I can't even fathom feeling that way! And excessive talky face triggers that same reaction in me, that I'm afraid it looks like I didn't even watch my own vid before I put it up. *blush*

I blame the creators of the original source material. Surely it wouldn't kill them to ( ... )


time_converges September 7 2014, 15:41:33 UTC
I think "Recessional" was the first D/D vid I saw, and it gave me hope that there were more shippers out there. :D I just rewatched it - any excuse! - and it's still so gorgeous, and gives me all the D/D feelings. <3
(And talky face doesn't really bother me in vids - usually I don't think I even notice it!)
Also - I'm the same on stories I write - I try not to worry whether someone will like it or not, but it's very hard!
*squishes you*


ageless_aislynn September 8 2014, 09:18:15 UTC
Awwwww! *smishes you* Thank you so much for saying all that, hon! :D It really means a lot to me that you think so kindly on "Recessional" and that it still can give you D/D feels! \o/ And eee, yay that it was one of the first D/D vids you saw and let you know there were more of we shippers out here, lol! *twirls you ( ... )


dieastra September 7 2014, 17:34:11 UTC
I've seen a few very rare videos where they managed to edit the talking in a way that it fit with the lyrics and you got the impression the people were saying whatever line there was at the moment. I think that is incredibly difficult to do though.

Making something for yourself should actually the default. We all crave feedback, I do as well, as soon as I have put up a new story or action figure pictures I look for feedbacks, but you should always do what YOU enjoy and not what you think others might enjoy. This never works well.


ageless_aislynn September 8 2014, 09:28:50 UTC
I tried that with my "Second To None" vid in that section I mentioned in my post: I couldn't get the clip of the Ninth Doctor with the TARDIS the way I wanted it because he's so obviously talking, so I tried to time his mouth movements with the lyrics in the song, lol! I had a couple of people mention that they liked the part where "Nine rapped," lol! ;)

I had another vid where I attempted the same sort of thing and I entered it into a contest... and it was rejected as being too amateur to even be allowed to compete! O_O So I guess it all depends on the viewer and how they feel about things like that, lol! ;)

Making something for yourself should actually the default. We all crave feedback, I do as well, as soon as I have put up a new story or action figure pictures I look for feedbacks, but you should always do what YOU enjoy and not what you think others might enjoy. This never works well.Oh, I definitely agree. Every time I've made a vid where the emphasis was more on whether or not people would like it, it never ends up being a ( ... )


dieastra September 8 2014, 18:40:53 UTC
I'd like to watch the video but apparently I need a password?

I guess for Americans it is more difficult to accept when the lip movements are not perfect, as you are not used to dubbed movies. In Germany, everything in cinema and TV is dubbed - well, we get some original language movies as well, but in general. So I don't even notice anymore that something is wrong. Therefore, I enjoy the efford and who cares if it's not perfect! I can suspend my believe.


ageless_aislynn September 8 2014, 22:32:08 UTC
Yeah, Vimeo is known for deleting vidders' work if they stumble across it, so putting a password on it helped for a little while to keep from being deleted (now they're using software to detect copyright infringement when you upload, whether with a password or not, so they're no longer a good hosting place, sad to say :( ).

Anyway, the password should be there on the page with the link and right under the embed, whichever way you'd like to watch it. :D It's tardis (all lowercaps). :D Hope you enjoy if you get the chance to watch! :D

Ooo, that's an excellent point about dubbing! We're lucky to not end up with too many dubbed movies but it does keep us from being able to overlook it as easily. That's really great it doesn't take you out of the moment and you can still appreciate what the intention was! :D ♥♥♥


sykira September 7 2014, 17:37:11 UTC
(Not that there's a crossover of Star Trek and Pacific Rim in the middle of my Falling Skies vid, I should note. But that would be kinda awesome if there was, wouldn't it? :P ;)

BRBLOLing4EVR! Yes, yes it would!


ageless_aislynn September 8 2014, 09:29:48 UTC
Annnnnnd now I kinda want to do a Star Trek/Pacific Rim/Falling Skies crossover vid, lol! ;) :D *hugs* ♥♥♥


raktajinos September 9 2014, 03:23:47 UTC
I liked Ben/Maggie when I watched Falling Skies. Mostly I liked Maggie. But I had to stop watching for like so many reasons.

but that's awesome to hear you liked your own work! I like when that happens. I'll read back a story I wrote ages ago (or like last week whatever) and be all "ya, that's pretty decent"...and then sometimes its "holy shit that is awful take it down! take it down!"

thank you *noms on cookie*

im not a vidder (cause I can't do it at all), but as a watcher I hate when its all talky face too


ageless_aislynn September 22 2014, 07:15:34 UTC
Sooooooo sorry to not have replied before now. I, um, actually thought I had and just now realized I hadn't. *blush*

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you did like Maggie during your time when you watched Falling Skies. :D I think one thing that really has bugged me in the argument against Ben/Maggie has been the fact that she's 13 years older than him. :S

I mean, it's fine if you don't like a pairing or a character but to just be against it because the woman is older? Ugh! >:[ How common is a older man/younger woman pairing and most people shrug it off like they don't even see it. I just realized one of the main pairings in Terra Nova (just finished a rewatch so it's fresh in my head, lol ;) ) is Wash/Taylor and he's 23 years older than she is and I haven't seen ONE person mention their age difference! :S [/wow, apparently I'm easily miffed at the ol' double standard thing today, lol ( ... )


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