Falling for your brother's girlfriend is one thing. Falling for your brother's girlfriend when you and she are emotionally connected by alien spikes is something else entirely. A study of Ben's feelings for Maggie in season 4.
Song: "Moondust" by Jaymes Young
Characters/fandom: Ben/Maggie, Falling Skies
Spoilers: For season 4.
Length/size: 2:51 (159 MB WMV)
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VN: Okay, I admit it, I ship it. Despite the fact I've shipped Hal/Maggie since s1. *blush* But, but, but I looooove Ben and I can't help but want him to be loved by the person he's fallen in love with, so... *dilemma* And what's the best way to solve a dilemma? Why, vid it, of course! ;) I heard this song the other day and it just really felt like it captured Ben's feelings.
If you watch, I hope you enjoy! :D ♥!
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