
Sep 07, 2014 02:54

I've actually managed to do something that I've struggled with for a long while: still love one of my own vids when it kinda goes over like a lead balloon. ;) Now, granted, I went into this one (" Moondust" Ben/Maggie, Falling Skies, if you're curious but no worries if you're not, this really isn't a plea for views/comments, I promise! ;) ) knowing ( Read more... )

vidding, i don't even know what to tag this, what the heck am i rambling on about?

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ageless_aislynn September 8 2014, 07:49:43 UTC
However, when the video is of lesser quality, it can distract quite a bit. It makes it seem that the creator wasn't invested in his or her own idea enough to go out and find suitable footage and just made do with whatever was at hand.

Ooo, that's really hit the nail on the head for me. That's definitely what bothers me about talky face, the worry that it's making my vids look like I just did a big ol' clip dump onto the timeline without hardly even looking to see what was there! o_O

I've actually read intros to vids where the vidder straight-up said, "Hope this looks okay. I didn't watch it after I rendered it because I was so eager to post it!" and my reaction was a huge o_@ face. I mean, to not even WATCH your vid once before you post it sounds so uncaring that I can't even fathom feeling that way! And excessive talky face triggers that same reaction in me, that I'm afraid it looks like I didn't even watch my own vid before I put it up. *blush*

I blame the creators of the original source material. Surely it wouldn't kill them to film a silent, soul-searching version of those climactic scenes and put them on as DVD extras? You can't tell me they haven't seen what the fandom does on YouTube...

Oh man, I would SOOOOO support that idea! The same with versions of "important" scenes that had only dialogue in it, no background music. Sudden blares of background music are another one of my banes of vidding existence, lol! ;) Nothing makes me sadder than to have an idea for an audio clip that seems SO perfect and then you listen to it and there's some HUGE ORCHESTRAL THING going on underneath the words. :S *sigh* So some "vidding friendly" extras would certainly be very welcome! ;)

Anyway, thanks so much! I always love hearing what other people think about vidding issues like that. :D ♥♥♥


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