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[action] zerointegrity August 15 2011, 04:53:09 UTC
[The young emperor smiles watching the dream. He knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that this must be after his death and it comforts him to see a smile on her face, to see her so happy and carefree. Her smiles are few and far between, but he can always tell when she is happy whether she has a smile on her face or not.

He knows that, once they leave Somarium, it won't be long until he can no longer experience these things with her. So, he sighs. The dream is painful to watch, despite having brought a smile to his face. He calmly places the Dreamberry on his desk and makes his way toward her room, not bothering to knock once he reaches the door.]

Have a good nap?


[action] aevitas August 15 2011, 05:15:00 UTC
[she blinks sleepily, like a cat, staring at him from the dark realizing she's no longer on a dirt road, there isn't hay in her hair, and she's back with her accomplice.

maybe it's residue from the dream affects, but C.C. chuckles, smiling some as she slides to the edge of the bed, her braid messily falling over her shoulder, her legs dangling over the end of the bed. ]

Was it a long one? The date is different now.


[action] zerointegrity August 15 2011, 06:38:18 UTC
You were asleep for nearly a month, I think.

[He tosses the large orange blob out of the way and takes a seat on the bed beside her.]

You didn't miss very much. Nothing major has happened since the flood, just the usual goings on in Somarium.

[A pause]

Nunnally was worried about you.


[action] aevitas August 15 2011, 07:15:02 UTC
[she blinks in surprise, only to scowl at him at his gesture, crawling to grab her child and glance up at him. ]

I see. So the usual interesting interactions with family I trust? [she smiles a bit fondly as he mentions his words]

Was she? Always considerate, unlike someone I know. [a teasing smile]

It seems I started traveling again during that month. It's a little strange to be back here again.


[action] zerointegrity August 15 2011, 07:35:14 UTC
[He rolls his eyes and sighs, the expression on his face changing slightly. The question about the family didn't sit well. Family was never a topic he wished to discuss.]

Schneizel and I have found common ground in our frustration with our brother. Sometimes I think it would be easier to shoot him and suffer the consequences than to deal with him on a daily basis, but I wouldn't want to put Nunnally and Euphemia through something like that again. [A beat] So many measures would have to be taken to ensure my own safety, too...

[He trails off before glancing at the witch]

A little strange? Are you not happy to be back in Somarium?


[action] aevitas August 15 2011, 15:50:21 UTC
[Avoiding the questions won't help, Lelouch. Instead she quietly laughs at his description of Clovis. ]

So nothing has changed then. I didn't think so. At least the one you want the most is here, isn't that right?

[small tilt of her head before she processes his words, a small smile playing on her mouth]

I don't mind being here a little longer. There are always things to do when the man you ally yourself with is interesting. [her smile turns slightly fond, as she briefly runs her fingers over his closet hand and knuckles. there is still a trace of peace in her expression.]


[action] zerointegrity August 19 2011, 04:33:19 UTC
I don't think anything will change as far as those two are concerned... but, yes, she is here. I didn't think she would ever come, to be honest.

[He turns his hand over and closes his fingers over hers.]

You don't mind being here a little longer? [A smile] And here I was thinking that you enjoyed being here with me while you still had the opportunity.


[action] aevitas August 19 2011, 20:50:04 UTC
[she smiles with lowered eyes, holding his hand as she laughs quietly]

Putting words in my mouth? Memories no matter how warm they are, aren't the same as having company you keep. I've never had much of either before. It's strange to be experiencing them again as if it were natural.

Which, is exactly why I don't mind.


[action] zerointegrity August 21 2011, 01:58:07 UTC
[He laughs a little, shaking his head slightly]

It was strange having you asleep for the past month. The house was quiet, the kitchen didn't reek of pizza, Nunnally and I had afternoon tea together almost every day, and I was able to actually straighten my bed on a daily basis...

[He looks over at her with a sly smile on his face]

It was... nice.


[action] aevitas August 21 2011, 02:32:16 UTC
[she glances at him with a raised eyebrow. ]

So you'd much rather me leave the world after all? Interesting, Lelouch. I'm sure Magnus wouldn't mind an extra guest.


[action] zerointegrity August 21 2011, 03:48:28 UTC
[Lelouch shoots his accomplice a glance, one that says "you need to shut your mouth," before leaning a bit closer.]

What a witch, putting words in my mouth like that.


[action] aevitas August 21 2011, 23:35:46 UTC
[she smiles, now shoulder-to-shoulder. ]

Just like a warlock for doing the same. [her voice is quiet, distant, as if it belongs with silence and the half-lit atmosphere of the room]

I've never been missed before. No one missed "me", or ever wanted me for anything but a source of easy reference and success, a tool for selfish human ambition. But not you. Maybe at first, but no.. You missed me.

Didn't you? [her smile is amused, her eyes crinkling, her voice is as mellow and smooth as always. it means a lot to her, Lelouch. So much, you have no idea. Do you have any idea what you've done to her? You've brought her heart back to life ]


[action] zerointegrity August 22 2011, 04:28:49 UTC
[He sits for a moment in silence next to his accomplice before turning to look at her once more. Of course, he missed her. Did she even have to ask? He had grown used to her in his life, she has been there every day for the last two years.]

Of course, I did.

[He smiles a bit]

You should have known that.


[action] aevitas August 25 2011, 03:34:50 UTC
Doesn't mean I don't like it being said every now and then. Such an orator of words, three surely aren't so difficult? [she closes her eyes, content. there is no trace of burden or weariness on her face right now. the witch's walls are all down]


[action] zerointegrity August 25 2011, 05:31:13 UTC
It's hard to tear down your defenses and allow yourself to utter but three simple words when you've built them up as strong as you possibly can over a lifetime in order to protect yourself and allow yourself to do things worthy of a lifetime spent in Hell.

[He tightens his fingers around her hand]

You know me well enough to know my every thought. I shouldn't have to tell each and every one of them to you.


[action] aevitas August 25 2011, 21:19:09 UTC
Isn't that why I'm here? [she doesn't mutter apologies, just simply opens one amber eye. ]

You don't need them in this room.


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