Sometimes Mondays Aren't Worth It

Jul 09, 2013 08:40

Yesterday was supposed to be a nice day, low-key morning leading to a chiropractor's appointment at noon topped by a regularly scheduled shopping trip with daughter Súl. I'm usually tired at the end of it, but it's a good tired ( Read more... )

yickety-yack, general bitching, miscellaneous, personal stuff

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Comments 10

silver_trails July 9 2013, 16:41:40 UTC
Oh, dear. I hope he gets better.


jkahane July 9 2013, 17:09:39 UTC
Oh, dear, Mar... I'm so sorry to hear this. :(

I know how you feel about hospitals (we've had this conversation before), so I feel for you.

Please let me and the rest of the folks around here know how he's doing and what's going on.

And try and take care of yourself, too. Okay? ::worried look::


aearwen2 July 9 2013, 17:42:00 UTC
Update: We're back from the "recheck" at the ER. As I originally expected, the only culture to have grown so far is from bacteria normally on the skin. Hubby suffers from lymphadema, and currently has an open wound on his left leg. Such wounds have landed him in hospital twice before with systemic infections exacerbated by diabetes.

He's to continue his current antibiotics & follow up with primary care doc. He says he's gonna veg out today - I know that's what I'm gonna be doing!! I need food and some kick-back time.


engarian July 9 2013, 19:31:37 UTC
Oh no!!!! *hugs* to all of you. This is just nasty. I hope things will be better by the time we talk tomorrow, I'm quite sure you were frightened to death! And SHAME on JJ - not watching when it was the only thing you asked him to do. He could have done that much for that short of a time...

Not fond of hospitals myself...

- Erulisse (one L)


aearwen2 July 10 2013, 00:36:51 UTC
I was the caregiver to my aging and declining parents - everytime something went haywire with them, I was either in the ambulance or following along behind. There that last year or so, seems like I started to get to know the ER staff way better than anybody not employed at the hospital had a right to.

JJ is a typical obsessive gamer - but he guilts well into doing what he's supposed to. Some of it I lay to Hubby more or less telling him to let him be - and JJ simply doing as told. Hubby can't boss me like that. I know better than to let him.

Talk to you mañana.


sykira July 9 2013, 21:28:26 UTC
Oh gosh honey, I'm just seeing this now, URGH

I hate to say it but that sounds like possibly maybe a stroke, did that issue get ruled out in the ER? Did they test his heart functioning too?? That's a LOT of neurological symptoms for an infection.

ETA apparently bacterial UTI infections, esp. if it's got as far as his kidneys, can commonly cause confusion, so maybe I'm overreacting.

Did they give him a CT scan? Was his blood pressure normal?


aearwen2 July 10 2013, 00:33:28 UTC
The primary care doctor told us that diabetics have a heckuva time with infections - it can really overload the system.

No - no stroke. He's been on blood thinners for years as a preventative for that. It was just the fever robbing him of his wits. As for the rest, yes, they ran heart tests. He has atrial fibrulation (I think that's how it's spelled) so watching his heartbeat on the monitor was quite the trip.

When he got to the hospital, his number were WAY out of whack. Blood sugars over 220, blood pressure 184/89, fast pulse, the whole nine yards. This morning, blood sugars under 125, BP 150-something over 72, no fever, heartbeat steady and not racing. They kicked him loose with instructions to follow up with the primary care and keep on with the antibiotics. He's done a lot of sleeping this afternoon - not surprising - but I'm having to nag him about eating again, dammit.

Gotta make supper - so will make it one he likes. All in all, I'm not a worried mess today. Maybe I'll actually sleep tonite? Maybe?


lindahoyland July 10 2013, 11:10:25 UTC
Hope your husband soon feels better.


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