Sometimes Mondays Aren't Worth It

Jul 09, 2013 08:40

Yesterday was supposed to be a nice day, low-key morning leading to a chiropractor's appointment at noon topped by a regularly scheduled shopping trip with daughter Súl. I'm usually tired at the end of it, but it's a good tired.

Not yesterday. Oh no!

If you want to make the Universe laugh, make plans. The Universe was rolling on the floor for me yesterday.

Woke up and had son JJ tell me his dad wasn't up yet. That's unusual, for Hubby's habit of several decades is to be up at just about the crack of dawn. Went in, and Hubby is answering questions with one word and just not quite all "there". He's got a fever of 101.1, which, at 9AM, is worrisome. I make appointment with his doctor, realize I probably won't make my own noon appt., reschedule for 3:30PM. At 10, the fever has shot up to 102.3 - at which point, I give Hubby some acetominophen. By the time the doctor sees him, he's back to 101 and a few points, and gets a prescription for a broad-spectrum antibiotic for a possible kidney/bladder infection.

Hokay. I take Hubby home, tell JJ to watch Dad while I go pick up meds and lunch. I get home to Hubby in his chair in the living room, BACK to speaking in one-word sentences and not quite really answering the questions - while JJ is back in his bedroom with headphones on gaming.


Ream out JJ, get Hubby to at least take the antibiotic (only a couple of sips of water, tho - dammit) and set about trying to get him to decide which wrap he wants for lunch. It takes the better part of 20 minutes to figure out I have to make the decision for him - during which time he keeps making motions that he wants to get up, but when JJ & I go to help him, he backs off. I take his temp, and it's still 101.3.

One hour and a half later - and after several episodes of Hubby wanting to stand, and yet not succeeding when he won't work with JJ & me to help him (he has lousy balance on a good day) I badger him into drinking some more water. At that, Hubby caves back into his chair and falls asleep. I set about cancelling the chiro appt. altogether and clearing my calendar for the next day or so. I've seen him do this before - kinda - and I know this isn't A Good Thing.

Hubby wakes up, face very red, wanting to get up, but can't. I take his temp: 103.6!! I give him more acetominophen and call 911.

Long story short: we spend 5 hours in the Emergency Room. Hubby gets IV antibiotic and ibuprofen. In the end, he gets sent home with NO idea exactly what is infected and giving him grief - and with instructions to come back to the ER tomorrow (this morning) to hopefully finish figuring out what's going on.

I'm exhausted by the time we get home. Don't sleep well either because I'm overtired and stressed. Hospital chairs are the least comfortable things in the world to sit in for 5 hours!!!

And guess what? I get to look forward to more of the same - less the severe worries about Hubby ending up admitted.

Yippee. (Please note lack of enthusiasm.) Have I mentioned I hate hospitals lately? Saw too many of them about 6-7 years ago, haven't changed my opinion.

yickety-yack, general bitching, miscellaneous, personal stuff

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