Friday July 20, 2007

Jul 21, 2007 15:12

Hello! I am Rain, and this is the culminating event of my entire adolescense. As you may have heard, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released at midnight. I started reading Harry Potter when I was ten years old. I am now nineteen. I have grown up with these characters, and the fandom has helped make me who I am today, so of course I went to a release party. There are no spoilers under here, but if you want to squee with somebody who has finished it, feel free to drop by my journal, friends are always welcome!

there are thirty-six pics under the cut so, thirty-seven total

You can't read the time very well but it's 8:08 am. This always happens to me. I barely sleep the night before and wake up really early (I got to sleep around 4:30)

We are NOT AMUSED, brain.

So after rolling over and trying to go back to sleep and pressing the snooze when my alarm actually DID go off (9:30) I get up and brush my teeth.

I also got dressed. You couldn't see very well in that first pic of me, but I slept with perm rollers in my hair.

Roughly a half-hour later (and with my mum's assistance) I am rollerless with new bouncy curls.

My sister is going as Tonks, but we need to dye her hair so off to Drug Town and Pamida to see if they have any thing semi-permanent

Photo Op! They didn't of course, because Jefferson is a teeny town. We stopped to get ice cream at Twiins Shoppe (yes, that's how they spell it) and walked back to the car to go home.

I go turn on my computer, put on some tunes...

check my email, flist and get on aim.

I also turn on the tv, it's about 2pm now. I'd have liked to have been gone already, as we had decided to go to my aunt's in Boone (a much bigger town) to dye my sister's hair.

But I console myself with the fact that The History Channel seems to be having a Star Wars marathon day.

FINALLY we're off! my sister, not dressed yet...

and me in my Professor Trelwany costume.

Here we are in walmart buying hair dye. (red it seems is the new pink)

The sisterling getting her hair dyed at the aunt's house

Another one, because she was complaining lots :D (that's mum in the red shirt)

Finally! getting the dye rinsed out...

and putting the conditioner in. she's never dyed her hair before, so this is something new and different for her!

Mum stole my camera and took pictures of me doing the sisterling's makeup

None of us were smart enough to wear a watch, or bring the cell phone in from the car. this is roughly about seven pm.

Getting supper from the McDonalds' drive thru

On the way to Ames we saw an actual Remax balloon. I've never seen one in real life before, so tah da.

At borders! mum had absconded with my camera for most of the night. I gave her my purse to look after and forgot my camera was in there. There was a wizard rock band there named Ministry of Magic playing in the coffee bar for most of the night. They were pretty decent, but I never got a good chance to sit and listen.

After all the events are over we hung out by the tv dvds and waited for the chance to get in line.

These guys were pretty cool. Living in Boone, but originally from Grand Junction. We had a lot of interests (other than Harry Potter) in common.

YAY! it's roughly twenty till two and we're FINALLY in line

Mum and sisterling in line

THE BOOK! Touch it! Smell it! Feel it! It's the motherlode!

Time to leave! it takes a little under an hour to get home, so time to get out the flashlight and start reading!

Home at last! I change into pj's...

and brush my teeth...

get some munchies...

and settle down for the long haul.

I turn on some tunage. (why yes that IS John Sheppard as my wallpaper)

Five am and my bladder is insisting on taking a break. (I'll spare you of any 'on the pot' pics)

And AT LAST! At 6:31 am Saturday July 21, 2007 I have finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I stumble upstairs and post an OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG post and promptly pass out.

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