ADIML, Friday the 20th of June 2007.

Jul 21, 2007 13:11

I have been lurking here since the beginning and I have never put up a posting.
This is my Friday the 20th of June.I spent the day roaming about the City of Melbourne.
All comment's and new friends are warmly welcome.

Time to wake up.

Its morning which I don't do.

I stagger down stairs and turn on the kettle to make coffee.We are serious coffee drinkers in this house. 2 plungers, usually 2 types of grinds and instant coffee for those without taste. I have no idea how to make instant coffee taste half decent as i rarely drink it.

With coffee made i go:
 from this:
 to this:
I go outside and realise how cold it is.

The shopping trolley from the other day is grocery buying is still in the front yard.Across the road is a major shopping center.
Back inside I do a time check as i have to leave at 12pmish.
One of my house mates had set this up before he left for work:

 I realise that its only 10:14 
I turn on the laptop and am greeted by Kimber1337s kitty Chairman Meow, ruler of my Lap top.

I check:

The weather:

I lurk about on line for about an hour before i get ready.
Shower :

With wet hair i go upstairs to get dressed.

I moved house about a month ago and still haven't got organised:
Are the clothes i need in
clothes pile A)
 or clothes pile B)
With clothes chosen:

Time to do my hair:
 and get dressed:
 with hair pulled up
 back down stairs for my
 boots and my coat
and a time check

I realise i am running late (again) for an appointment.
Final check to see if I'm looking at least awake:
Awake enough i leave the house to go to:
the bank for money (pay day woot)):
happy now i have money:

Then to the train station to get the train to the city train and another time check,

 yep defently 30min late :
Whilst on the train I think:

I ferret in my bag:
For my book,:

I get to Flinders Street Station
 at 1:15pm.
Across from Flinders street is Federation Square.
I am late for my appointment with 
 which lasts for an hour.

After the appointment I walk down Flinders Street and spot this
A stretch Hummer. 

 I go down to Elizabeth street to
for buttons which they didn't have the one i wanted but told me were i can get more buttons.
Then to Mag nation for a Mag, which they didn't have. 
I go to Bourke Street where there there was a guy playing the Didgeridoo.
He went by the name Nik Didge A.K.A.Elonims Child.
He was really good. Psychedelic Didgeridoo. Its the Didg mixed in with electronic trance/dance music. Loved it had to have the cd.

In Bourke street there is an infomation booth were i got told were the Law Institute was so i could renew my membership.
I went to the post office to pay bills

and The Bank to pay my parents back money that i owe them
Whilst on Bourke street going to the Law Institute i saw this statute on a building:

I walk some more and get to Collins street
 and was going to use the Rialto Towers building clock for a time check but the old clock was broken so i took the tourist shot of the Rialto and a tram:

Whilst on Collins street I wanted to go to Urban Burger but they are closed. How odd it surely cant be that late.
I dont look at the time and go to Krispy Kremes instead.

 Wow its 4:07. I replace the batteries in the hungry camera and eat the donuts and drink a shake as i hadn't eaten yet (opps)
Afterwoods I walk down to Spencer street station (Southern Cross)
and have the Amnesty International guy do a jump just as i take the pic.

I think Southern Cross station not that attractive:

Time to catch the train to Springvale for dinner (and a time check):

I get to Springvale to met my b/f for dinner.
We went to Hoa Trans for Dinner:

 Lots of dinner:

We head home via the supermarket and bought

 and had a time check.
Time to do chores:
 and then realise how dead tiredi am

I have shower no2 and put on my Pjs:

Turn on my computer and Playbabble and chat online for ages:

Suddenly 30 is on tv 
so i watch that and relax till late.
Oh look at that I fall asleep on the couch


Goodnight everyone.

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