(no subject)

Jul 21, 2007 23:47

Good morning... sunshine?

After taking the picture above this one, I dozed off again and woke up at 10:22.

On my way to the bathroom I looked into my parents room. My mum left for the Philippines on the 18th.

brush brush brush

comb comb comb

roll roll roll

My rings! My friend Mary made the silver one and the gold one is actually my mum's. She wouldn't give it to me at first but then she gave in. I feel naked when I don't have my rings on.

Check the fridge to see if there's anything I can eat.

No luck.. so I drink Coke Zero which I personally think is disgusting.

I finish it on the balcony. Seems like today's going to be nice.. it's still a bit windy though.

Go back inside and sign on.

iGoogle tells me today will be a very hot day.

I check GJ. I really just started LJ a few weeks ago. GJ is my home. :-[

Dimitri and I were chatting and he sends me a picture from the festival we went to that weekend. It was so awesome and we were so high when that picture was taken. It's funny though.

My dad shows me a card we got..

.. it's the invitation to my half sister's wedding! The pictures were taken by her and her soon-to-be husband when they went to Australia for a few months.

Dimitri goes to take a shower and I change my status to Away because it's boring.

Dharma & Greg is on. I'm not really a fan but there's nothing better on.

I start to get hungry and chocolate seems like a good choice to still that hunger.

Girlfriends is on.

During the commercials I go back to my room (my TV won't work anymore so I have to watch in the living room) and Dimitri is done showering.

Commercials are still not over so I listen to some Prinz Porno..

.. and Timbaland.

After a while my dad decides he'd rather watch TV. >:O

So I go back to my room once again and listen to music.

time check

I watch this YouTube of NylonTV..

.. and this one of William Sledd. I love that man.

Sandy is on and tells me her boyfriend had to sleep in their chairs outside because he forgot his cellphone and keys, and nobody was awake to open the door for him. He said he heard two drunk girls around 1am and guess who that was? Me and Sandy, most likely.

Sandy and I are going to town later on so my dad tells me to send off these
letters for him.

He's not feeling too well. He's vomiting behind this door.

I finally take a shower and feel 2358345 times better. I hate feeling dirty. I got really tan that weekend (Openair Frauenfeld) and so did my feet apparently because you can see the tan lines from my flip flops lmfao.

I decided on this top but don't know how warm it is outside so I put these shorts back on and go outside to look.

The sun is shining!

So I change my shorts. Also dry my hair and put on that cute necklace. I have 29482 necklaces and I haven't worn this in a long time so yeah. Plus it matches because I decide on pink flip flops for the day.

I have a smoke (just in case you're wondering, it's legal to smoke with 16 here).

14:05 and Sandy is still not done taking a shower and getting ready. >:O

Then I spotted 14:14!!!!

My friend Dora once told me that she found this thing where 14:14, 15:15, etc. means something and she sent it to me and I wrote it down. Apparently 14:14 means "he's crazy about you". I don't believe in it but it's fun and I hope that my ex (we broke up last week) is really going crazy.

I take my film camera and take some pictures..

I also paint my nails because Sandy is taking reallyyy long.

Oops. I have to go in three minutes and only one hand is done..

However, I manage to catch the bus on time. Here you can see the bus coming.

Inside the bus. The time says 14:57 meaning the bus is two minutes late.

We get ice cream and then go to the post office. You can see behind Sandy that number 302 has it's turn.

I have 304.

She wants to buy sunflowers (just because) so that's what we're headed off to do.

We sit down somewhere and she takes out the sunflowers.

Still in the packing thing.

We take tons and tons of pictures. This one is just an example. I should work on my posture..

We go back to Sandy's house and sit around. Dave and I send text messages because he's coming over the next day.

We get hungry and eat salad, some chicken, and pasta outside.

Afterwards we go back to my house where I put on some jeans because it's getting colder. Then we go to Dimitri's house because his parents are away for two weeks. Pascal, Serena, and I are bummed that we can only smoke outside.

Don't let this picture deceive you, we drank A LOT that night. Serena had to go home so Pascal (they're together) brought her home.

Dimitri, Sandy, and I took lame pictures of us on Dimitri's iMac. Crazy cool. I want a Macbook. :-[ Later on Sandy's boyfriend came.. Patrick, aka the one who slept outside the night before. He doesn't like getting his picture taken so he hardly has pictures with Sandy and this upsets her. I know that and therefore take a few pictures of them being a cute couple.

Dora sent me a text message. "Hey sweeties! I'm just hanging out with Dani at this field and a concert's about to begin! =) ..." Then come Bob Marley lyrics which is her way of saying she smoked her first joint! Lmfao I'm proud. ;) I write back and tell her what I'm up to and to tell her boyfriend Dani I said hello.

She writes back. She says the band is lame and they're hanging at some other place. I have the feeling she is high/drunk/both.

Me and one of my favourite drinks. Bacardi Breezer <3

Dimitri aka Dimi

We watched Prison Break (and later on South Park).

Pascal finally came back. My ex boyfriend's name is Pascal too. He's also tall and blonde so this Pascal reminds me a lot of him.

After more drinking, I get home at 2:18 which is actually quite early. Pascal (who is sleeping over at Dimi's) and Dimi bring me home.. how sweet.

I check my friend's page on GJ and then some other websites.

I finally get tired and set the alarm because I don't want to sleep the whole day the next day.

change and tooth brush

Lay down..

.. and finally fall asleep at 3:41.

So that would be a normal day in my life. Or at least in the summer.. anyways, feel free to add me! As I don't really know many people with LJs.
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