
Aug 05, 2021 21:29

Charlie is driving me nuts. He keeps not sitting on my lap. Then will sit on the couch arm and look disgusted. Then stand on my lap and not sit. He is being an asshole. Which, you know, thai cat. ;)

I have been watching the Olympics. A lot of it I've been watching in fast forward. :) It's a great way to watch volleyball. Drives me nuts that ( Read more... )

farm, cats, choir, riding, olympics, work

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Comments 36

aggiebell90 August 6 2021, 03:55:50 UTC
I really wish they'd show more diving and equestrian, too. I only saw a little of the springboard finals last night and have missed all the equestrian so far.


adafrog August 10 2021, 23:09:31 UTC


coercedbynutmeg August 6 2021, 04:02:25 UTC
In fairness, I tried to book my kids well appointment back in Early June when we first got here, and they didn't have any space until last week. I remember being a kid and the hospital or the clinic or the school or something had a day or two devoted to the well-kid checks, and they were either free or like $10 a head.

We've been watching Olympic highlights on the NBC TV app. Missing a lot but also not having to listen to Bob Costas jackjaw or whatever other color commentators they have. I do like Cynthia Potter though.


adafrog August 10 2021, 23:11:55 UTC
That's good that you at least thought about it.
(Here the schools will run the kids that need sports physicals through, but that's not a well check, and we still need them to come in to us. )

The commentators do tend to talk a lot. Although I did like when they discussed the divers since it made it more interesting and personable to me.


fififolle August 6 2021, 06:48:36 UTC
We seem to have less Olympic coverage than usual too, but still been able to see a lot of stuff, the BMX seems soooo dangerous, but very cool, I enjoyed all of it. Some great diving.
Hope you survive at work this next while! X


adafrog August 10 2021, 23:13:15 UTC
The BMX racing was a bit scary. lol I wished I would have been able to see the tricks version of BMX.
Thanks. We have one week left. We can do it!


fififolle August 11 2021, 19:23:18 UTC
Yes, hang in there!


amethyst_witch August 6 2021, 12:25:34 UTC
Charlie *LOL*. Cats are so good at looking disgusted!!

Choir! How nice :)


adafrog August 10 2021, 23:13:36 UTC
They really can.



spikesgirl58 August 6 2021, 13:20:45 UTC
Of course they are and when they are named Charlie, well, that's a double dose of trouble.


adafrog August 10 2021, 23:13:47 UTC


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