
Aug 05, 2021 21:29

Charlie is driving me nuts. He keeps not sitting on my lap. Then will sit on the couch arm and look disgusted. Then stand on my lap and not sit. He is being an asshole. Which, you know, thai cat. ;)

I have been watching the Olympics. A lot of it I've been watching in fast forward. :) It's a great way to watch volleyball. Drives me nuts that they'll show the whole volleyball game, and then only a part of the diving. Golf has its own frigging channel. They only showed a little of the equestrian so far. I love that mental health has been important.
I love the soccer chick with the purple hair. She is very exuberant.
I thought the skateboarding would be cooler. Haven't been able to see the BMX trick riding. The BMX racing was kind of meh, and dangerous. Haven't seen any climbing, either. And they only showed a little surfing-our girl winning was all.

Have also been trying to survive the pre-school well check season. Since everyone waits until a few weeks before school starts (no matter how much we warn them and call them before that) it's a crazy time. And then my NP got covid, and we were a person short last week.
Wish us luck. We only have to survive until the end of next week. And then hire two more front office staff, half a medical assistant, and a whole nurse. (one of my current nurses is moving to another state maybe next month. every time it gets pushed back, I am not sorry. even though it makes her sad. We like her.)

Also trying to get riding in 5-6 days a week. And cleaning stalls and runs still since I haven't found anyone to take over yet. But, we finally have another schooling show scheduled for the end of this month.
Hey, but I've been having some revelations, which is good. Like, I have to ride the whole test, not point him at a letter and let him go. (long story).

Did I mention full choir started this week, too? Which means I spend Wednesday nights at the church. (Unless covid gets really bad, then the church closes. maybe)

And minimal sleep. (see above).

Now Charlie has gotten completely disgusted with me, and went to lay on the back of the couch. And I feel bad that I obviously didn't give him exactly what he wanted. Cats are jerks. lol

farm, cats, choir, riding, olympics, work

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