So these next few weeks are going to be interesting.

Oct 18, 2016 20:49

I'm kind of freaking out about how these next few weeks are, and how little free time I'm going to have. And there's still so much to do ( Read more... )

whine, choir, church, animals, work

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Comments 12

suraineko October 19 2016, 03:37:08 UTC
Sounds like a crazy busy week! I do not appreciate people picking super early times for anything, especially when it can be done later. I pretty much can never leave the farm before 10am.


adafrog October 19 2016, 18:09:56 UTC
Exactly! Although I do understand it can be hard to wrangle surgeons (who are also on the board) at times. Gonna be pissed if they're not there.


ancarett October 19 2016, 03:41:06 UTC
That's an awfully busy schedule.I'm so sorry! Wishing you all the peace and quiet when you can take a break.


adafrog October 19 2016, 18:10:13 UTC
Thank you.


poniesandphotos October 19 2016, 03:56:24 UTC
Goodness! That's a busy schedule. Don't forget to occasionally sleep and eat!


adafrog October 19 2016, 18:07:41 UTC
lol I will do my best.


opakele October 20 2016, 01:45:08 UTC
Wow! That is a busy schedule! I'm tired just reading it.

Hope all goes well. Take care of yourself.


adafrog October 20 2016, 15:33:34 UTC
Thanks. :)


enchanted_jae October 20 2016, 02:16:22 UTC
Did you schedule some sleep in there?



adafrog October 20 2016, 15:33:21 UTC
A little? lol


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