So these next few weeks are going to be interesting.

Oct 18, 2016 20:49

I'm kind of freaking out about how these next few weeks are, and how little free time I'm going to have. And there's still so much to do.

I work all day M, W, Th, F. Tuesday is my half day, so I have to pack other things into that need to be done-eg repairs, appts, etc. I have a standing riding lesson at 4ish. So, I have about 2 hours to pack other things in.
This week was fixing my dishwasher.
Next week I'm taking Rex to the vet to check out his lameness.
The week after I'm going to the chiropractor (that I put off to get Rex in).
Then I was going to get my hair done, but had to put it off to get the chiro in.
I get the next one to vote, yay!
Then a doctor appt.
Then hair.
Then finally a Tuesday afternoon 'free.' Where I will hopefully schedule some estimates for getting my foundation fixed. (which will lead to getting the roof, and living room window fixed, replaced.)

During the school year Wed I have choir, and Thursday I have EfM at my church. Which gets me home with just enough time to feed and get to bed, for the most part.

This Thursday morning, the brilliant minds at the place I'm on the board for have set a meeting at 7 fucking am. Really early for me as I have to get up 2 hours early in order to feed everyone and get ready. (I almost told them no when they decided that. the only saving grace is that it's only once a quarter. still, though, what's wrong with noon or evening? that's when my other meetings are). Then I won't get home until 9:30 because of EfM. (kind of freaking me out spoon-wise)

Friday I get a free evening-maybe I'll be able to ride. Except. I'll be tired from the day before. And.

Saturday morning I have to be at the barn down the street at 7am (again!) so I can volunteer at the entry table. All day. (This is our twice a year local arab open show. I usually enjoy it. Also-donuts!!). Get home ??? anywhere from 4-8pm from previous experience.

Sunday I get to haul Zolar two hours down the road to the 'local' dressage show. We're doing three tests-training 1, 2, and 3 again. Hopefully this time we'll get the free walk and trot circle right. We've been working on it, but it's definitely not his favorite thing. Trainer not coming with this time as she will have spent all day at the arab show the day before with her clients and horses.
Will hopefully be okay as Zolar will have had time to rest, and I will hopefully remember to drive!drive!drive! lol (let's just say halt is his favorite gait ;) Awesome at times, but also very good for the butt and core).

Next weekend I get Saturday off, but may have to spend it with a friend who is moving (not sure when she'll be able to do the lunch/movie thing). Sunday the usual choir, then I also have LEV-my friend and I take communion to 2-3 people who can't come in to church.

Next day is Halloween!!

Then the next weekend I'm on call for everyone, so clinic and hospital both days. But, I forgot that said friend's last day as music director/going away party is that Sunday at church. I have to be there because A)it's her last day, B)I'm doing a solo, C) we have a special choir thing during the lunch afterward, D) she's my friend, E) she's MOVING. And I usually have clinic at 12:30. crap. I suppose I could ask to switch weekends, but that will also be a PITA. So, maybe I will have my NP do most of the clinic, I do the church thing, and then the hospital thing, then maybe get to clinic. wheee!

Did I mention the drains in my master bath are draining slowly? Like, I have to use the hallway bathroom and shower. And maybe I can call the plumber Thursday late afternoon to run home to have him fix it, then run back to EfM. (He couldn't come today) Or, if that doesn't work, maybe my friend will be back next week and be able to snake it as well as replace the two leaking faucets I have in the house.

Wheeee! Sorry about the rant, but I think it helped a little (read-very tiny) bit to lay it out. Will have to make sure to get to bed on time-ish when I can. And go back to not thinking about things and just doing them. At least I have all but one of my Halloween costume parts. So yay me!

Night all.

whine, choir, church, animals, work

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