
Mar 04, 2012 22:08

So, an update ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

equusentric March 5 2012, 13:11:07 UTC
Belena has about eight dime and nickel-sized melanomas under her tail, too. When I groom her tail I make sure to start from the bottom to minimize snags the closer I get to the tailbone, and I use a generous amount of detangler first. I've been fortunate that I've never scratched any of them open.

I don't groom my horses much either except for feet picking, shed blading, and hand-detangling any fairy knots. They look like hippies LOL but they're 24/7 pasture and will just roll as soon as they're put back after a grooming, anyway.


blackchaps March 5 2012, 13:58:49 UTC
Fairy knots?? I LIKE THAT!!! My horse always gets wind braids, but I usually leave them until I give her a hunter cut.

Hippie horse club - we should start one!


adafrog March 6 2012, 04:25:38 UTC
I haven't heard the term fairy knots. Huh.

Hippie horse club - we should start one!
Absolutely! Although now Elle doesn't have dreds anymore. :( I suppose I can paint rainbows on her. ;)


adafrog March 6 2012, 04:27:50 UTC
Does Belena only have them on her tail?
Elle's biggest one is the tail, and it's slightly larger than a golf ball. She's got some others on the tail, her rump, and behind her ear.

Hippy horses are totally awesome.


blackchaps March 5 2012, 13:56:43 UTC
I'm glad to hear that I'm Not the only groomer by need around here! Diamond hates water, so baths are off the table and really? grooming every day? Crazy! lolz

Tumor bleeding? omg - I'd have passed out! HUGSHUGS


adafrog March 6 2012, 04:30:16 UTC
Oh, no kidding. No way would I groom that often.
And baths with soap isn't all that good for their coats, anyway, so there. lolol Although I do rinse James off if he's gotten sweaty while riding.

Diamond doesn't like water itself, or the whole hose/wash stall thing?

Tumor bleeding? omg - I'd have passed out! HUGSHUGS
Thanks. *hugsback* No passing out, but definitely hysterical. eek.


blackchaps March 22 2012, 00:07:14 UTC
She doesn't even come near the stock tank when I'm filling it up! She has let me sponge her off before, but she does her best to knock me with her teeth so I'm think she hates the whole thing! Horses!


adafrog March 22 2012, 03:13:26 UTC
lol Yep. Gotta love'em.


enchanted_jae March 6 2012, 02:18:25 UTC
Did you leave the horsehair outside for the birdies to make nests of?


adafrog March 6 2012, 04:31:04 UTC
I groomed in the barn, but I'm sure it's all been swept out by now. So nice dirty hair for the birdies.


nosurething2 March 7 2012, 01:00:30 UTC
Hope you'll have a great time at the con!!! Glad you did get tickets!!! :o)


adafrog March 7 2012, 02:43:57 UTC
Thanks! I'm actually looking forward the most to just being with fellow geeks. Well, that, and getting more Doctor Who Con action figures. lolol

How are you doing?


nosurething2 March 8 2012, 02:07:49 UTC
LOL...action figures ROCK!!!

I am doing o.k....waiting on word after my last job interview...I applied for headnurse/midwife of one of our wards. There is one other applicant, but I have already been invited for a second interview, so I am hopeful...you?


adafrog March 8 2012, 04:22:35 UTC
Good luck with the interview. So you'd be in a higher position than you are now?

I've just been really busy lately. This is both good and bad, of course. lol


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