
Mar 04, 2012 22:08

So, an update.

*Umm...yesterday I spent most of the day reading.

*After getting Comicon tickets in the morning. Thought it would take hours, but luckily it really only took maybe half an hour. Still weren't any 4-day passes left when I got there. But all the single day passes were available.

*Bought my plane ticket for con.

*Emailed my aunt and M about con so they know what's up. (I usually spend time with my aunt while at con. This year M is driving down to spend time with us. Aunt has melanoma, so I'm spending as much time as I can this time.)

*My car got trapped in the garage this morning. Apparently the spring on the door broke, so it can't even really be opened manually. Luckily I keep the truck outside, so I can drive it until it's fixed.

*Hopefully the car will get untrapped because I still need to get the dent on it appraised. (From 2 weeks ago.)

*Groomed James tonight. Didn't do his mane and tail, though. Was going to lunge him, but his feet are still a bit tender-I'll wait until the farrier does his feet.

*Groomed Elle. My barn looks like it snowed inside-she's a grey. Also did the mane, which had gotten dreds, so I had to cut a bunch. She has slightly curly mane/tail hair, which makes for more knots.

*For the first time in about 6 years I combed her tail. She has a large tumor on the underside of the dock of her tail (grey arabs can be susceptible to tumors, and she has quite a few), and the first time I combed her tail I made it bleed. OMG, it freaked me out. Tumors bleed forever, and so much!! I even called the vet, freaking out, and he talked me down, poor guy. So, I avoided her tail after that.
Tonight, though, I tackled it very carefully. Yay me! I still was freaking out, and had a sick feeling in my stomach. It was a mess, too. Had to cut a bunch, but managed to comb out most of it after putting in conditioner. Whew!

*I'm not a big groomer, BTW. Some people beauty shop their horses often. I groom when I ride, and otherwise maybe a few times a year. Maybe.

*What else...Oh, washed my alb today (the white part of my choir robe-at least I think that's what it's called) and managed to get it clean without adding any spots to it. Yay me!

*And, I've been asked by my arab club to sing the national anthem at the show at the end of the month. Been practicing, but I hadn't realized until now how much range it takes up. lol It's good, though. And I haven't used a microphone much, so I hope I can figure that out. wheeee..... lol

family, choir, comicon, animals

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