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Comments 34

tandem_bike February 12 2019, 07:55:30 UTC
And congresswomen here


yury February 12 2019, 12:25:32 UTC
She just got backed by David Duke. Which, as we have been informed, means that she is a white supremacist herself.
Isn't it touching, how anti-Semitism is a force so powerful, it even helps overcome racial bigotry?
Anti-Semites of all races, unite!


tandem_bike February 12 2019, 12:31:31 UTC
Yup it’s funny


yury February 12 2019, 12:35:32 UTC
It's gallows humor.
Anti-Semitism is being rapidly normalized, embraced and even rewarded (by election to Congress and even committee assignment) by a major party. I would guess that the Euro situation of the OP is not far behind.


ext_4438354 February 12 2019, 12:48:39 UTC
у меня такое чувство, чем больше они «борются», тем больше антисемитизма. особенно доблестно борются новые иммигранты-мусульмане. заверяют прямо со всех углов.


tandem_bike February 12 2019, 17:30:44 UTC
правильное чувство. это факт, таничка, факт. все правильно говорите. из жопы т.е. из дрима, но верно. ви как би ушли из жежейки? в свой блог беседка, где один коментарий в месяц? вам не одиноко ( ... )


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