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Comments 12

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ack_attack January 24 2010, 18:50:19 UTC
Yeah it's hard to decide on a lot of these things, but Lost will always be my #1. BSG was amazing, but I don't think it was as consistently good or as compelling as Lost. When BSG was great, it was GREEEEAT, but then they had a lot of crappy episodes in between the greatness haha. But to me Lost can pretty much do no wrong, unless Bai Ling is involved.

Douglas Adams is like an awesome quote machine!


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ack_attack January 25 2010, 19:26:31 UTC
LOL me too! I mean both involve hooker and normally (annoyingly) moral heroic men having inexplicable relationships with them! Not to mention all the mob ties both had haha oh my god, both are just the worst thing ever.


alohachary1851 January 24 2010, 18:58:00 UTC
I really need to do this meme, and try to do it in a way that won't just devolve into CAPSLOCK for I have a short attention span... >_>

Lost is easily my favorite TV show too :)


polythene_sam January 24 2010, 21:31:17 UTC
I just wanted to say you have an AMAZING icon. :)


hobbitofkobol January 24 2010, 20:23:59 UTC
why is everyone all smiley face on the LOST pic except... Foxy? step out of character! hahaha


sbertie January 24 2010, 20:55:49 UTC
ha, I was going to say the same thing! It's like he's confused by the concept of a camera? It's okay, buddy, the silver box aint gonna steal your soul!


hobbitofkobol January 24 2010, 21:00:21 UTC
in his defense I think the sun is in his face and he has to blink or else he's gonna cry


sbertie January 24 2010, 21:02:33 UTC
omg, you've cracked the code! The sun must be in his eyes in every episode! lol, but maybe. I guess it would be bad form to shove Jorge out of the way so he could get some shade. Though I would have loved to see him try.


fauxkaren January 24 2010, 22:45:51 UTC
I love that you chose Goblet of Fire. It's my favorite HP book too. A lot of people love PoA or OotP, but I ADORE Goblet of Fire. To me it's the perfect bland of scary, angst, awkward teenage romance, and fun adventure.


heatherbird January 25 2010, 04:08:17 UTC
That Kerouac quotes is one of my all-time favorites.


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