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ack_attack January 24 2010, 18:50:19 UTC
Yeah it's hard to decide on a lot of these things, but Lost will always be my #1. BSG was amazing, but I don't think it was as consistently good or as compelling as Lost. When BSG was great, it was GREEEEAT, but then they had a lot of crappy episodes in between the greatness haha. But to me Lost can pretty much do no wrong, unless Bai Ling is involved.

Douglas Adams is like an awesome quote machine!


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ack_attack January 25 2010, 19:26:31 UTC
LOL me too! I mean both involve hooker and normally (annoyingly) moral heroic men having inexplicable relationships with them! Not to mention all the mob ties both had haha oh my god, both are just the worst thing ever.


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ack_attack January 25 2010, 20:26:01 UTC
Yeah I agree Black Market was worse, mostly because at least on Lost there were other things going on in the episode not involving Jack that didn't totally suck, whereas Black Market was like you were transported into a totally different show and none of the characters you knew even existed LOL. Plus Jack's was a flashback so it's like "okay well he's not like this NOW" but Lee was supposedly doing that in real time, which was just CRAZY TALK.

Not to mention that the Jack ep had him being beaten up by an angry mob of locals LOL. The best.


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