Merry Christmas sagedarkwoods!

Dec 19, 2008 10:59

Title: Wonder
Character(s)/Pairing: River/Jayne; Jayne's POV
Prompt: Mysterious Ways -U2
Written For: sagedarkwoods, for my 25 Fics of Christmas. Hope ya like it!
Rating: PG
Word Count: 506
Disclaimer: Not mine!
-Author Notes: So I just wrote this, and I'm coming off a big dose of nyquil, so hopefully it's neither trippy nor exceedingly boring. Also, the idea for this worked really well with the prompt, but unfortunately it didn't come through to the actual piece as well as I'd have liked. Enjoy nonetheless! :)

-Christmas fic for sagedarkwoods

One day you will look back
And you'll see where you were held how
By this love while you could stand there
You could move on this moment, follow this feeling

I used to wonder what she’d taste like.

Not in any kind o’ creepy way; an’ I never wanted to do bad by the girl. She just acted so crazy sometimes y’couldn’t help but wonder if a bunch o’ nuts would come tumblin’ out if’n you cut that gorram moonbrained head o’ hers open.

An’ she was so graceful. Weren’t my fault she moved like she was floatin’ half the time, an’ it sure weren’t my fault that the feng le little girl could dance. She might not ‘a’ been fryin’ a full egg in her brain-pan, but ‘er body sure knew what was what. An’ she could bend and twist like some kind o’ bendy… twister… well, sort o’ thing.

An’ see, maybe her disctractifyin’ dance moves kind o’ made me lose focus when we got to Ariel. I ain’t gonna lie - at the time, I hated the girl. She was crazy an’ dangerous and considerin’ the kind o’ luck Mal got into that weren’t a combination I was real keen on havin’ on the ship. The kind o’ money they was offerin’ for her ain’t somethin’ you just ignore, an’ I decided jus’ to take it; get some coin an’ be rid o’ her at the same time.

Course that didn’t go quite how I’d planned.

Soon as she popped up like some sort o’ zombified bug ‘r somethin’ with her “Copper for a kiss?” talkin’ I had a feelin’ things were goin’ south. I was right, too; an’ not only did knowin’ little crazy’s brain had been cut into make me feel a tiny bit o’ guilty, she almost got me tossed out the airlock.

Took me awhile to forgive ‘er for that.

An’ she was still just as lovely-lookin’ an’ graceful as before, but all o’ that also got a lot easier to ignore.

After what happened on Miranda, what with Wash dyin’ an’ the crazy-girl turnin’ into some kind o’ Reaver-killin’ machine, we all had to rethink a couple o’ things. She passed me up as the most dangerous an’ I gotta tell you that made the little moonbrain a helluva lot more interestin’.

So I still hated her. ‘Cept o’ course I didn’t an’ it didn’t take the girl long to notice. Seein’ as how she can read minds an’ all. I didn’t understand her, but I kind o’ wanted to, and I started wonderin’ again what she’d taste like, but this time I was a little more invested in findin’ out.

We learned to fight real good together; hell, we even learned to stand each other. An’ it’s still fun to fight with her, ‘cause the girl sure knows how to throw a punch. It might not ‘a’ taken her too long after that to start to see how swai an’ shiny I am - all women do ‘ventually - an’ both Mal and her brother might ‘a’ warned me off her, but I still wondered if she’d taste sweet as she looked.

Lucky for me, I ain’t gotta wonder anymore.


Feedback always appreciated!

rating: pg, genre: pre-romance, genre: introspection, length: 501-1000 words, misc.: prompt fic, misc.: 25 fics of christmas, fandom: firefly, pairing: river/jayne, character: river tam, character: jayne cobb

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