Accio! Rules

Sep 11, 2011 00:37

  • Our requirements are for 15 comments per character each month, regardless of format (log or action tag).
  • Activity Checks are held at the end of each month, and players will have one week to respond. Those who do not check in will be automatically dropped from the game.
  • Newly accepted players, and players who have recently returned from Hiatus (both within a week of the activity period's ending) are expected to check in, but are exempt from activity requirements.
  • Those currently on Hiatus are exempt.
  • Accio! is a community based game where the dominant format is face-to-face “action bracket” style RP. We also allow for prose logging in a separate comm.
  • Hogwarts does not currently have any kind of public communication network. However, there are noticeboards, to which students may post written messages. More information about the noticeboards can be found here.
  • When your character makes a post, or participates in any thread, please tag the entry using the LJ tagging system. Doing this makes that character's posts easier to find. Our tag format is [canon] character name.
Mature Content
  • Ideally, we would like Accio! to be suitable for viewing by those aged 13 and up. At the same time, we don't want to restrict users from playing out more mature material (violence, smut) where appropriate. For that reason, we are not banning more mature content, but we have a few rules we would like our players to follow.
  • All content that would be considered particularly sensitive or mature in nature must be placed under an LJ Cut with the appropriate warnings.
  • Content that would be considered the equivalent of an NC-17 rating (particularly smut) must also be placed under a Friend's Lock.
  • We do not permit playing out sexual situations between characters aged under 18, though referring to it is permissible as realism.
IC and OOC
  • You are expected to keep your character in character while playing. While character development is certainly anticipated, characters should always remain recognisable as themselves.
  • The classic IC=/=OOC rule: any actions or attitudes taken by a character ICly must not be taken as a reflection of the player's attitude. Similarly, we ask that players do not treat their character as a mouthpiece for their opinions.
Godmoding/Infomoding/Fourth Walling
  • You are playing your character, and the other player is playing theirs. Do not take control of another person's character without their permission. If in doubt, please contact the other player.
  • Similarly, your character is most likely not invincible. It is similarly godmoding to assume the other character can't hurt yours.
  • Your character does not know what you know, though the occasional minor slip-up (such as thinking they've been told something when they haven't) is understandable. Applying your OOC knowledge to your character is A Bad Thing. Examples could include “instinctively” knowing a character is somehow evil or unpleasant, or predicting/taking precautionary measures for an upcoming event. This applies even if your character has psychic powers outlined in their application [note: for the benefit of players with psychic characters, Accio! will always include a note regarding permissions on event outline posts].
  • Please leave the wall alone. Your character does not know that you exist behind it, and have no idea that everyone else is watching. Unless they are actually canonically insane - insanity is the only exception permitted.
Harry Potter and the Fourth Wall
  • Another use of the term “fourth walling” in LJRP is to refer to characters knowing other characters' canons. While it's a tricky subject to deal with, here at Accio! we have decided to treat it as infomoding, and it is not typically allowed.
  • We understand that some characters do canonically know other canons, or are particularly pop culture savvy. In this case, we ask that players substitute something suspiciously similar. So yes, characters familiar with Harry Potter may have read an entirely different popular book series about a boy in a boarding school for magic, and have a chuckle about the position they're in now, but they still wouldn't recognise any characters or know what's coming up.
  • There are two main reasons for this blanket ban. The primary reason is that Harry Potter is a particularly influential work, and it has a higher than usual tendency to crop up in other canons - as Accio! takes place during canon events, this has the potential to be disruptive to the plot. The second reason is to avoid cast conflicts and alienation between those who are okay with “canon-puncture” and those who aren't.
  • Exceptions to this rule include fairytales, classic works of literature, historical figures, legends, and mythology. For example, a character may know the Rapunzel fairytale, and may recognise the character by her name and defining feature, but they would not be familiar with the story as presented in Disney's Tangled. However, we do ask that permission is sought from any such player before hurling information about their source material at the character ICly!
Player Issues
  • Please treat all other players and the mods with respect.
  • If you have an issue regarding another player's conduct in relation to the game, and are unable to resolve it privately, you may use either the mod inbox or contact a mod directly for advice and assistance.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about anything to do with Accio! then a mod will be more than happy to help!
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