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Comments 341

waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 01:05:49 UTC
Izzie and/or Addison - isolated


Wash-ups, Izzie and Addison, G urban_stoop May 29 2010, 15:35:04 UTC
Oh, my god, I haven't seen Grey's all season and haven't written fic in like, a year, but, here goes anyway. So, I have no idea what is up with Izzie in canon, other than she left (or Addison, for that matter), which is probably a necessary precursor for this. It happens in the unlikeliest of places (but then, this kind of thing always does). Marci says, "We've got a new medic on staff, you should meet her," there's a call of "Izzie, c'm here!" and a swish of lilac scrubs, and, standing the tiny, cramped administrational office of a free clinic in Chicago, Addison finds herself face to face with a tall, tired looking woman with short brown hair that is still, unmistakably ( ... )


Re: Wash-ups, Izzie and Addison, G waltzmatildah May 30 2010, 01:07:11 UTC
Oh, this is awesome. So not what I was expecting which makes it even better. Thank you for filling my prompt.

There is so much about this that I love. Addison's resignation, 'Addison has long stopped believe that she knows anything worth passing on.

And Izzie's hard edge, like she's lost all the bits that made her 'Izzie' back in seasons 1-3. Like 'life' finally happened to her... which we all know that it did.

Now I wanna see a show where resigned Addison and hard Izzie are working in a free clinic in Chicago! Scrap Private Practice I say!


Re: Wash-ups, Izzie and Addison, G urban_stoop May 30 2010, 13:28:03 UTC
Now I wanna see a show where resigned Addison and hard Izzie are working in a free clinic in Chicago! Scrap Private Practice I say!

Right? Thanks for reviewing, glad you enjoyed! I feel definitely rusty, but I always loved these two on the show, and their little - which is why Grey's went to thoroughly down the drain for me after S3.


waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 01:10:46 UTC
Bailey and Alex - next of kin


justforyoudear May 25 2010, 01:52:27 UTC
Mark/Lexie, unexpected


The Love Part, Mark/Lexie, G citron_presse May 25 2010, 07:59:27 UTC
I've been struggling with words at little recently, especially where the finale's concerned, but this came to me. It's a little rough, but I hope it's okay.

Mark's POV, set post finale


You wait two weeks before you say it.

The first week gets lost in shell shock and camaraderie and trying to dig some kind of routine out of the wreckage. You’re worried about Derek and glad you didn’t know he was hurt at the time, because either you wouldn’t have been able to function, or you’d be beating yourself up now because Lexie would still have mattered just a little more.

The second week, you’re reticent. It’s a new thing. You’re trying to deal with your personal life like you deal with your patients - calm, quiet, strong - and everyone seems to like you better for it, although they notice you a little less. Once you had no qualms about delivering the bottom line. Now, with her, it seems too delicate: you’ll break her or you’ll break yourself.

But the third week, when Karev’s on his feet and brushing her off with an irritated ( ... )


Re: The Love Part, Mark/Lexie, G waltzmatildah May 25 2010, 08:44:32 UTC

Oh wow. This is pretty much exactly what I imagine will happen (well, apart from the Alex being an ass part which is what I read into the line about him brushing her off with an irritated whatever).

I really do love your insight into Mark. You made me re-like him a little more with this. He's understated and conscious of the power he has over other people and the way they feel and yeah.


(apologies for the inarticulate nature of this reply. I'm still a little shocked at my Mark love turnaround... I'm pretty sure it's the image of him carrying Alex that's cemented it!)


Re: The Love Part, Mark/Lexie, G citron_presse May 26 2010, 03:56:00 UTC
Oh wow right back! I'm really quite honored that I made you re-like Mark a little more and I love how you feel he came across in this.

Unfortunately, Alex had to do something to catalyze Mark's resolve to actually say something in this fic, lol! But I'm sorry he came over as an ass: I was going for something more like that pissed off stage between sickness and recovery, and irritation at Lexie constantly hovering.

Anyway - your reply wasn't inarticulate at all. Quite the opposite and I love and appreciate it. As the first reply to something that I was invested in but not sure of it, it was an awesome one to receive &hearts


justforyoudear May 25 2010, 02:00:01 UTC
Mark/Lexie, tease


This is torture, T step86 May 25 2010, 17:47:17 UTC
She was teasing him. Every day was a sort of torture ( ... )


Re: This is torture, T lizzy29 May 25 2010, 18:19:54 UTC
I loved this so much. I adore ML season 5.


Re: This is torture, T step86 May 25 2010, 18:23:56 UTC
Thank you!
Me too! I so miss them, in season 5 they were perfect!


justforyoudear May 25 2010, 03:17:12 UTC
Crossover with lost. Jack/Addison. fork in the road.


fragments - addison/jack (lost x-over), r abvj May 25 2010, 04:01:50 UTC
Addison goes to LA because Derek left her and she left Mark and Naomi had sighed over the line and said come on. You need this. Let me take care of you and that was all it really took to get her onto a plane and across the country. It’s fun, of course, albeit nowhere helpful, and a week in she has had enough of the sunshine and smiles and patronizing it’s gonna be okays. So sits at LAX, scotch between her palms, the diamonds of her engagement ring glinting against the golden sun, thinking about things she should not be thinking about.

There’s a man sitting next to her, nursing a beer. This is her third scotch and it is not surprising at all that she leans in and smiles, teeth bare as she says, Hi, I’m Addison, like she’s been doing this all her life. It takes a second, a look of appraisal and something akin to apprehension, but there is the eventual smile and in five minutes flat she knows he is Jack, a surgeon, California born and raised. He is on his way to Australia for reasons he doesn’t offer and she doesn’t care to ask because ( ... )


Re: fragments - addison/jack (lost x-over), r lexiesloan May 25 2010, 13:59:38 UTC
Oh. My. God. This... is incredible. I am so jealous of the way you are able to word things and that last line is the definition of perfect.


Re: fragments - addison/jack (lost x-over), r abvj May 25 2010, 16:31:51 UTC
You are way too nice, sweetie. But thank you for reading!


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