Feb 20, 2028 12:22
What we need are books that hit us like most painful misfortune, like the death of someone we loved more than we love ourselves, that make us feel as though we had been banished to the woods, far from any human presense, like a suicide.
A book must be the ax for the frozen sea within us.
----Franz Kafka.
Feb 15, 2010 12:22
Wow. It's been a loooooooong time since I logged in to El-Jay.
I'm still kicking around, if anyone's curious.
I've just decided to make a few course corrections. Plus, I don't have a lap-top.
I'm sure, once my course correction is complete, I'll have all new zany antics to report.
Your Byronic Hero,
Nov 21, 2009 19:01
- Whoa, whoa, whoa... What do you mean I got yoked up by Erasmus James at the KK? People, tell me these things! #
- Moral of the story: you will not pick up chicks at ladies night in the gay bar. #
Automatically shipped by
Nov 20, 2009 19:01
- is a bit of a scumball. #
- In life there is an age of wishes, an age of wants and an age of regrets. Forstall the last. #
- Ouch. #
- It sucks that I have to wait seven more years to get away with being fat. #
- is in one of those 4am knock on the nieghbors doors for booze kinda moods. #
Nov 19, 2009 19:01
- two words: power. hour. #
- Alright, alright, I give up. You can stop trying so hard now Lady GaGa: I find you utterly tolerable. #
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Nov 18, 2009 19:02
- Trivia Tuesday categories: pre-teen BS, UW hall of famers and riddles! Come watch me fail at being funny. #
- ...bought a pack of spirits. Looks like I'm back to the winter habit again. Shameful...and stinky. #
- How do you get by when you can't do the one thing that gives your life meaning... Worse, when you aren't sure you can still do that thing. #
Read more... )
Nov 17, 2009 19:02
- 4am and wondering what it's all about. #
- Why do road construction crews think 8am is the perfect time to begin pounding sidewalk? #
- If you were to ask, then, the truth is Its just one heartbreak too many. #
- is undecided about power napping. #
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Nov 14, 2009 19:00
- still rangy as an alleycat and craving redheads like a ribeye. Soulless Ginger-sex, heard. #
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