A new TV season

Oct 03, 2012 17:28

Wow.  Where did I go?  I guess the start of school and the end of the federal fiscal year just sort of kicked my butt.  Last weekend, we drove to NC for my cousin's wedding which was held at an aquarium and got my kids' vote for best wedding locale.  It was pretty cool to eat and dance in a room with a big shark tank ( Read more... )

vacation, tv

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Comments 2

mastermia October 15 2012, 00:08:13 UTC
Firstly, you must have been the only person to like Made in Jersey as it has already been canceled.

Partners was terrible. I could not believe how lame the writing was. I like all of the actors, but the show was unbearable. I sort of love Go On, but Matthew is still pretty orange.

TGW is quality as ever and I love Nathan Lane. Revenge has been very good as well and Grey's was OK.

New shows we really like are Last Resort and Elementary.

However, if you are up for new shows - VAMPIRE DIARIES. I mean, come on!!! Scandal is also some excellent soapiness as is Nashville. And all of them have equal opportunity nudity (or at least partial) so Jay might watch as well.


a_h_c October 15 2012, 01:26:23 UTC
I know! I didn't love it or anything, but it was basically harmless Friday night TV. I was actually glad it was cancelled because it was one less thing to watch/record! Although, it was on on Fridays, so not really an issue for schedule competition. I liked the lead girl when she was on Human Target, so that explains that ( ... )


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