A new TV season

Oct 03, 2012 17:28

Wow.  Where did I go?  I guess the start of school and the end of the federal fiscal year just sort of kicked my butt.  Last weekend, we drove to NC for my cousin's wedding which was held at an aquarium and got my kids' vote for best wedding locale.  It was pretty cool to eat and dance in a room with a big shark tank ( Read more... )

vacation, tv

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a_h_c October 15 2012, 01:26:23 UTC
I know! I didn't love it or anything, but it was basically harmless Friday night TV. I was actually glad it was cancelled because it was one less thing to watch/record! Although, it was on on Fridays, so not really an issue for schedule competition. I liked the lead girl when she was on Human Target, so that explains that.

I also like pretty much everyone on Partners. I actually laugh a little at Brandon Routh and his "anger". He's so flat, but then, that appears to be part of the point. I've decided to find that amusing. I've been sucked into some ION marathons of Numb3rs lately and remember what's-his-name with long hair. Much better with the haircut.

I'm still behind on TGW, although I've seen the opener. Revenge has been awesome sauce, and the opener of Grey's made me cry, as I thought it would. I haven't yet watched the 2nd one that explains everything, but I am sort of just wanting to get to the 3rd episode and have things begin to move forward. I do appreciate that on Private Practice, they included Mark's death in the story there. Recognition that the two shows are connected, you know?

I don't know why we aren't recording Elemenatary. I thought there was a conflict, but it appears not. I've seen some of it and thought it was pretty good. I may need to add it in. Nashville I want to want to watch, you know? I love me some Connie B., but I sort of feel like I want it to settle in a little and get the set-up going. I did read the recap on EW and the Fug Girls, so I feel I know what's up so far. And J did watch Heroes, so maybe he'd go for Hayden, if he doesn't think it's too creepy. Fug Girls mentioned that one of the people she's sleeping with is played by a guy who was a football player in that Titans football movie she was in when she was around 11. He was apparently 25 then. That's got to be a little weird now, right?


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