Car Saga (mom breathes a sigh of relief)

Jan 14, 2009 19:39

So, have not posted about the car saga of doom. Well, it's time to do so.

You may recall that my car recently died. It turned out it was just the alternator belt, fairly easy to fix. The real car story was Aaron's car ( Read more... )

devil spawn

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Comments 27

summergal25 January 15 2009, 01:41:02 UTC
Oh boy what a saga. I am glad he is safe. Good luck with getting the car fixed safe.


trinfaneb January 15 2009, 01:57:23 UTC
Hope things work out well in the end. Have you seen the movie "Idiotocrazy?" Its set in a very stupid future and has an interesting idea about how the name of the Fuddrucker's franchise might evolve over time :)


moire2 January 15 2009, 02:05:23 UTC
How frustrating! Glad Aaron and your husband are OK!


makd January 15 2009, 19:14:57 UTC

And today? Not a day for the driving....


spiralleds January 15 2009, 03:28:56 UTC
I'm glad he's okay. Let's hope the car can be sorted out PDQ.


canadiangirl_86 January 15 2009, 03:34:22 UTC
Man, what a pain in the ass! I really hope the problem gets solved soon!


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