Car Saga (mom breathes a sigh of relief)

Jan 14, 2009 19:39

So, have not posted about the car saga of doom. Well, it's time to do so.

You may recall that my car recently died. It turned out it was just the alternator belt, fairly easy to fix. The real car story was Aaron's car.

Aaron started a six month internship on January 5th and therefore, needed a car to drive. We asked our mechanic to keep an eye out. Well as luck would have it, the garage's owner's son wanted to sell his '95 Buick. 150,000 miles, tip top condition (obviously) and only 2 grand. If it only lasted 2 years that would be more than adequate.

On January 2nd (the same day my car died) Aaron picked up the car. During the week, the check engine line had intermittently come on, but they hadn't found anything. On the way home, the car stalled. It immediately started again, but of course, Aaron turned around and brought it back to the garage.

So, come Monday, Aaron drove my car to work and my husband drove me to work. My husband's car is a stick, so I can't drive it and Aaron isn't proficient enough yet.

Tuesday, they say they fixed what was wrong. Wednesday the car stalls again so back it goes.

The car has been in the shop since last Thursday. I've bumming rides off people in my office. (A lot of people live in my town who work in my office.) Finally today they call. They finally found the problem - a wire had corroded.

So, again Aaron goes with my husband to get the car. Hubby leaves because he has to pick up Zachary from his job and take him to his charity gig.

Aaron is stopping off at Radio Shack first before he comes home. A half hour later, he calls my husband. The car is completely dead on route 10. He's already called triple A.

Now you have to understand route 10 is extremely busy. There are strip malls on both sides at that point. Plus it feels like 10 below tonight. Thank G-d Aaron has a good head on his shoulders and is fine.

Tomorrow my husband is heading over to the garage. This has to get resolved because we can't continue to be down a car. And I can't have Aaron in a car that isn't safe.

ETA: My husband just called. Aaron is safe and sound and they're eating at Fuddrucker's and defrosting.

devil spawn

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