Car Saga (mom breathes a sigh of relief)

Jan 14, 2009 19:39

So, have not posted about the car saga of doom. Well, it's time to do so.

You may recall that my car recently died. It turned out it was just the alternator belt, fairly easy to fix. The real car story was Aaron's car ( Read more... )

devil spawn

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Comments 27

woman_of_ January 15 2009, 01:16:14 UTC
What a bummer, sounds like a dud to me. Maybe get your money back and look for another one!


a2zmom January 15 2009, 01:37:10 UTC
That's what might happen tomorrow. But being back at square one is very disheartening.


lwbush January 15 2009, 01:17:20 UTC
One would think a garage owner's son's car would be in pristine shape. Of course, he might have been struggling with the same thing and decided it was time to get rid of the car...


a2zmom January 15 2009, 01:33:40 UTC
No, because none of this is costing us anything. He told us when he sold it that the check engine light had been coming on and he couldn't find anything wrong with it, but let him know if something cropped up.

It's a very honest place.


lwbush January 15 2009, 01:40:59 UTC
That's good, then. I've had some bad experiences with mechanics, but there've been some winners too, so I know they do exist.


iheartnickcath January 15 2009, 01:25:54 UTC
I totally know that had to freak you out. It would me. I did inside the Durango when it did, so I'm sure you freaked out. *hugs* I'm glad their all safe. ♥


a2zmom January 15 2009, 01:34:22 UTC
I mean, he's still a kid! And people drive like crazy people around there!


iheartnickcath January 15 2009, 01:49:11 UTC
*nods* Road rage.


labsquint January 15 2009, 01:30:27 UTC
The most important thing is thank heavens he's okay. But if your weather today is anything like ours (and it sounds like it) this is not a night to be out.

Still, what a pain to have to deal with all of this. Life is busy enough without this kind of thing making you insane...


a2zmom January 15 2009, 01:35:19 UTC
oh, tell me about it. I also feel so guilty calling my friend from work every day. "Guess what! Need another ride!"


stephanierb January 15 2009, 01:32:59 UTC
What a nightmare. It's pretty poor that this mechanic has been unable to fix the problem. I hope he's appropriately embarrassed and apologetic.

I'm glad to hear Aaron is okay. Tonight is definitely not a night to be stranded on the side of a highway.


a2zmom January 15 2009, 01:36:35 UTC
If it's a short in the wiring, they can be hard to trace. Maybe now that the car is dead, it will be easier to figure out the problem? I just need this resolved, one way or another.


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