2009 - you are already on notice, you hear?

Jan 02, 2009 15:41

So, I get up at my normal 6 AM this morning, because my long, wonderful vacation is finally at an end. And it cool, it will still be empty in my office and I can get through 15 days of e-mail this way.

So, I get in my car and it is damned cold. Just awful. And I have Raynaud's syndrome which means in cold weather the blood vessels in my fingers and toes constrict and my extremities get painfully numb. It's like mini frostbite, yeah!

So, after about 3 minutes in mycar I turn on the heat like normal but the heat isn't on yet. And it isn't on 5 minutes later. Or 5 minutes after that.By the time I 3/4 quarters of the way to work (I only work 15 miles away), I am almost in tears from the pain my fingers are in.

So, I figure, I'll have to leave the office a bit early to take the car to my mechanic.

Anyway, I am now on the street where my office is, may 20 feet away, when my CD starts skipping. Since this was just burned, I figure, all well, needs to be re-burned. And then the machine turns off for a second and then turns on for a second and then dies. I'm kind of what the hell? at this point. (It happens to be a piece of crap CD player. Don't ever buy AIWA).

So, I turn into the office driveway, pull out my ID so the gate will go up (yeah, very secure here. Someone's car was stolen right out of the lot three years ago. So I feel very safe.) and my. car. 100%. dies. The motor will not turn over, nothing, nada, that's all she wrote. Meanwhile some idiot is honking me as if it's my idea of a good time to have my car NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE.

So I pop on the hazard lights (yeah, those still work) walk into the lobby and one of the security guards and one of the maintenance guys push my car into a space.

All I can say is thank goodness for triple A. People, it pays to get the plus service. I had the car towed 27 miles to my mechanic. and thank G-d I did not break down on Route 10. First off, Route 10, very crowded and scary. Second I don't carry a cell. (Yeah, I know).

So, I am now waiting for the good news from my garage. My guess - the alternator. (and obviously the heat and CD player were all related. The entire electrical system stopped working. I have just enough juice to get my window closed up.)

Anyway -2009 - not a good start, you hear me?
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