fic: say goodnight and goodbye -- doctor who

Aug 29, 2008 14:11

Title: Say Goodnight and Goodbye
Rating: PG
Spoilers?: Through 4x13.
Characters/Pairings: Donna, Ten2(/Rose/Ten)
Summary: (Set during Journey's End.) The Doctor-Donna has just saved the whole of creation -- that calls for drinks, and she is not going to allow a part-human part-Time Lord to ruin the moment by brooding.
Excerpt:For the first time, ( Read more... )

doctordonna friends, fic, the doctor, ten/rose, donna noble, gingerbread 'verse

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Comments 96

wendymr August 29 2008, 21:43:20 UTC
Really lovely - I enjoyed this very much. And, as another poster said, I so like the way you make clear that the duplicate really is the Doctor. He's not a clone, not a copy, not a shadow of the original, and he's most certainly not a consolation prize. He's still mostly Time Lord, with a little bit of human.

And great Donna here, especially setting him to rights (once again) and stopping him from being a stupid prawn ;)


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 22:50:26 UTC
He's not a clone, not a copy, not a shadow of the original, and he's most certainly not a consolation prize. Exactly what I try to get across ...every time I write the guy. Poor human!Doctor suffers so much general disdain and abuse from the fandom, lol, but I kind of adore him. (I think he'd pretty much won me over with "WATCH IT, EARTH GIRL".)

And hee, it seemed only natural to have Donna knock him to his senses. Besides that, it's such a complicated situation that it annoyed me a little that the only onscreen exploration of it was very short and abrupt. I much prefer to think some kind of behind-the-scenes discussion like this went on.

Thnk you!


myalltheworld August 29 2008, 22:06:02 UTC
oh, heartbreak. Beautiful, beautiful heartbreak. <3


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 22:47:26 UTC
I can't resist some good underlying angst. Thanks!


kakinou August 29 2008, 22:23:11 UTC
this is brillant! I wish we would have seen more of DoctorDonna interaction in JE... Your fic is becoming my personal canon^^
Thanks for this!!


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 22:51:42 UTC
Thanks! I do wish we'd gotten more DoctorDonna interaction, I imagine they'd be totally awesome in a Fred&George Weasley kind of way, but I suppose this'll have to suffice.


dark_aegis August 29 2008, 23:26:13 UTC
That's great. Really lovely Donna voice and I love how she knows beyond everything else that he's still the Doctor, and proves it. Gorgeous work. Thank you so much for sharing :)


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 23:59:10 UTC
I'm glad you think I got Donna's voice down -- it was a bit of a struggle, for some reason, so it's good to know it's convincing, lol. And yeah, pretty much everyone seems do doubt poor hybrid!Doctor, and I figured if anyone wouldn't, it'd be Donna.



day_dream_girl1 August 29 2008, 23:27:18 UTC
Thank you for writing that! It was a perfect moment, and I love the foreshadowing of what was about to come. Poor Doctor & Poor Donna. I'm sure she'd have missed the new doctor...if she could remember him. And bless, the new doctor doubting himself, and then at the end realising what would happen to Donna.

A wonderful moment on board the Tardis, and one that I choose to believe actually happened ;D


_thirty2flavors August 30 2008, 00:14:43 UTC
I really do feel for this Doctor, because on one hand it's obvious he doesn't think of himself as a clone/copy/what-have-you, but on the other hand it's very obvious through the end of JE that Time Lord!Doctor's running the show, and no one really pays blue!Doctor any mind; Sarah Jane, Martha, Jack & co don't even say bye to him. That's probably enough to get anyone second-guessing themselves... but of course Donna wouldn't be having any of that, lol.

And poor, poor Donna; I wanted to plant the feeling that something wasn't quite right, because the way she just abruptly melts down in JE seems a little off. She's totally fine and then she just snaps? I'm gonna work under the assumption there was more we didn't get to see, lol.

Thank you!


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