fic: say goodnight and goodbye -- doctor who

Aug 29, 2008 14:11

Title: Say Goodnight and Goodbye
Rating: PG
Spoilers?: Through 4x13.
Characters/Pairings: Donna, Ten2(/Rose/Ten)
Summary: (Set during Journey's End.) The Doctor-Donna has just saved the whole of creation -- that calls for drinks, and she is not going to allow a part-human part-Time Lord to ruin the moment by brooding.
Excerpt:For the first time, ( Read more... )

doctordonna friends, fic, the doctor, ten/rose, donna noble, gingerbread 'verse

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Comments 96

vanimy August 29 2008, 19:47:41 UTC
This is freakin' CANON.

I loved this... Love your Donna, your angsty/cute Ten II and I liked the foreshadow of heartbreak on all parties, including Donna.

This was really excellent. *adds to memories*


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 20:25:08 UTC
Thank you! Journey's End jumps so quickly from angst to giddiness and back to angst again that it felt like there ought to be some sort of transitory scene, lol. And... well, doomy forehsadowing is always kind of fun.


skippydoo August 29 2008, 19:59:11 UTC
Wow, this was fantastic!

I wish this had been in the episode, it would have really made it better.

It's not often that I think that of a fanfic. Bravo!


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 20:26:23 UTC
I do wish we'd gotten to see something kind of like this in the episode -- or at least just some kidn of interaction between blue!Doctor and Donna. I suppose them standing together and grinning in the TARDIS was close enough, but still, lol.

Thank you!


sazzrah August 29 2008, 20:07:34 UTC
Ah yes, I loved this very much. Its lovely... and fits nicely with the beach scene where Donna pipes up in the half-human Doctor's defence. Very lovely characterization and I think you nailed Donna very well. Great writing style and just the right amount of humor. CHIA PET?! xDDD

I think my favourite part of the fic though was a part of a line which struck me as utterly perfect. Which I think is more to do with awknowledging something about my own view of the half-human Doctor than anything, buuuuut (to quote it...)

"For the first time, she wonders how you deal with a love triangle when two of parties are the same person in every way that counts."

The same man in every way that counts... so so so God damn true! All the talk of what parts of the half-human Doctor are different and how he's picked up Donna's mannerisms etc; it doesn't matter at all! He IS the Doctor and he loves Rose and that's all that ever mattered before and I can't see that changing now. I was completely accepting of the half-human Doctor before but there ( ... )


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 20:34:52 UTC
Yeaaah there's a fair amount of disagreement within the fandom as to how much human!Ten is actually like original!Ten, but frankly I've always been on team "whatever, they're the same guy", and to be frank I think the few differences way in human!Ten's favour, at least as far as "suitable long-lasting relationship material" goes. Glad to help convert you! lol

Thank you!


bubbles234 August 29 2008, 20:55:14 UTC
This was brilliant!

Oh, I miss Donna. *Is tearful*


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 21:23:26 UTC

So do I. I warmed up to her just in time for her to leave, wtf, uncool. D:


bubbles234 August 29 2008, 22:32:49 UTC
I loved her from TRB onwards (yep, I'm one of the seeming-ly few Hrdcore-Donna fans :P) so her leaving was like... noooooo.

Plus I think that was the most HORRIBLE way to leave. Urgh,


_thirty2flavors August 30 2008, 00:58:30 UTC
I think Donna's story has the saddest ending, yeah. Doomsday was soul-crushing but I do think Rose gets a happy ending in the long run, and I don't consider Martha's sad (I mean, it's kind of unfortunate that her love goes unrequited, but she becomes a stronger person for it and makes her own choices, so...) but OMFG DONNA D:

I only started watching this year, and I actually watched Runaway Bride after I'd seen the first two or three episodes of season 4, and at the time I was still kind of Donna-neutral. It wasn't until mid season 4 that I truly started loving her, and by the time she left I was very sad to see her go. her dynamic with the Doctor was awesome.


helygen August 29 2008, 21:27:41 UTC
This is absolutely brilliant. The voices are perfect and the interaction, the relationship between the two of them, is just gorgeous.


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 21:39:27 UTC
Thanks! I love the Doctor/Donna relationship and this seemed like such a good place to explore it that I had to cram it into canon, lol.


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