fic: say goodnight and goodbye -- doctor who

Aug 29, 2008 14:11

Title: Say Goodnight and Goodbye
Rating: PG
Spoilers?: Through 4x13.
Characters/Pairings: Donna, Ten2(/Rose/Ten)
Summary: (Set during Journey's End.) The Doctor-Donna has just saved the whole of creation -- that calls for drinks, and she is not going to allow a part-human part-Time Lord to ruin the moment by brooding.
Excerpt:For the first time, ( Read more... )

doctordonna friends, fic, the doctor, ten/rose, donna noble, gingerbread 'verse

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Comments 96

shining_moment August 29 2008, 18:56:25 UTC
I really loved this. With everything that happened to Donna, it's easy to forget about the connection she and Blue had simply by the nature of how he came to be.

This was great :)


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 19:25:58 UTC
Thanks! I do wish the dynamic of Donna and this Doctor had been explored a bit more thoroughly -- I thought it was interesting that he "got" her, almost immediately, in a way that the other Doctor never did, because he'd "been inside her head", and I think that works both ways.


hibernate August 29 2008, 19:14:07 UTC
Oh, this is amazing! I love it! I also wish we'd got more of Donna and 10.5, and I'm so happy you wrote this. You say you had trouble writing Donna, but that doesn't show at all. You've got both Donna's and the Doctor's voices down perfect. Leave it to Donna to tell the Doctor what he needs to hear to stop feeling sorry for himself. :-)

It's so heartbreaking the way you hint at what's happening to Donna too - really, even though you end the story on a high note there's such a strong undercurrent of what's to come.


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 19:30:12 UTC
Thank you! I found their dynamic absolutely hilarious, and though we got to see a bit of blue!Doctor understanding Donna, we didn't see much of the pair after Donna's Time Lord consciousness kicks into gear, and I think that's unfortunate. I also just love the friendship between the Doctor and Donna, and this felt like such a natural place to explore it... even if I had to cram it into the canon timeline a little, lol.

Mhmm. When I started writing I didn't fully intend to foreshadow poor Donna's end quite so strongly, but once I got into the story there were just so many opportunities to work it in that I couldn't help myself. Plus in my personal canon blue!Doctor knows what will innevitably happen to her, and laying these hints down now fit well into that.


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_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 19:30:23 UTC
Thank you!


sagacious_c August 29 2008, 19:15:59 UTC
Very nice treatment of an aspect of the end of JE I hadn't thought much about -- Donna missing the Blue Suit Doctor. I'd thought of how much he'd miss her, but not the other way around, I guess because Donna barely had enough time to reflect on things. I really like what you've done with how they interact. You also did a really good job foreshadowing what will happen to Donna. :( Wonderful fic!


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 19:32:10 UTC
A lot of people dwell on how Time Lord!Ten doesn't even really say goodbye to Rose, but I found it just as interesting that no one -- not even Donna -- says goodbye to this Doctor, so I felt the need to give them something akin to a goodbye here.

Thank you!


time_converges August 29 2008, 19:19:20 UTC
“Marinating in that creepy hand-aquarium, I’d imagine.” She tilts her head. “You’re like a Chia Pet. Just add Donna.”

I could quote the whole thing, I love this so much. But this line especially made me laugh out loud. I can just see his offended face.

Well done!


_thirty2flavors August 29 2008, 19:33:50 UTC
Hee, thanks!


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