Torchwood 4x07

Aug 20, 2011 18:55

God this episode took like six hours to download, wtf?

Spoilers! )

torchwood: failing since 1879

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Comments 18

firstofoct August 20 2011, 23:15:46 UTC
I'm trying to sort out if this was my favorite episode because it was just more interesting, or if it was because of the explicit references to the Doctor? I have a feeling it's the latter.

Also, I want clarification on Jack's timeline. I assume it was pre-s1 of TW, post-POTW, but yeah, that 700 years old comment was a bit odd.


_thirty2flavors August 20 2011, 23:25:47 UTC

I am surprised I enjoyed an episode all about Jack so much ngl.



firstofoct August 20 2011, 23:31:05 UTC
I think you're right. That was working so well for Jack until he was ugly and threatened Gwen. BACK OFF JACK. I have no more fondness for you. Also, why did you dump Alonzo? Ten will not be pleased you didn't keep his ~~parting gift.

IKR. Like it's so just so nonsensical.


fauxkaren August 21 2011, 00:24:01 UTC
I'm trying to figure out where this fits in Jacks's timeline too. Was his wrist time jumper thing be working at the end of CoE? Because if so, then maybe he just spent some time postCoE hopping around in time.


_thirty2flavors August 21 2011, 00:38:42 UTC
Apparently Jane Espenson clarified on Twitter that it was pre-COE. firstofoct just asked her on Twitter if it was pre-s1 or not:

... )


fauxkaren August 21 2011, 02:11:22 UTC
I FEEL LIKE HER RESPONSE CLARIFIES NOTHING. LOL. Maybe I just fail at reading comprehension though.


mrv3000 August 21 2011, 02:11:36 UTC
Oh, I just saw this. SO FRICKIN CONFUSING.


(The comment has been removed)

_thirty2flavors August 21 2011, 21:31:38 UTC
Omg the idea of Americans watching and being TOTALLY LOST was the best part for me LOLOLOLOL random alien, immortal Jack, etc etc must'v e been so confusing.

I think the one that makes the most sense is I guess Jack post-being buried alive? I... guess...? I don't really know because I didn't pay much attention to Torchwood canon lol. It seems like it's after s3 of Doctor Who for him given the "fixed point" thing.

YEAH I think "the Blessing" could be a reference to Jack. lol Jack, you would fuck up the world like this.


mrv3000 August 21 2011, 02:10:10 UTC
but I was baffled by Jack being like WELL FUCK YOU TOO NOW THAT I AM MORTAL I DON'T WANNA DIE. What? Since when? What? Hasn't Jack spent the last like 2000 years wishing he could die? Why....?

I expect that Utopia was supposed to cure Jack of his death wish.

Also, when was this meant to take place in Jack's timeline? I assumed it was post-POTW pre-Torcwhood s1, but then he mentions being 700 and uses the expression "fixed point" which you'd think was something he picked up in Utopia. So... okay.

I sort of think this was supposed to be pre Utopia but they threw in the "fixed point" term because...continuity? What continuity. I think the only time Jack was immortal and also in the 1920s, was the first time around. (Other than the time he was buried in a box for 2000 years.)

Edit: Just saw the twitter post. CONFUSED.


_thirty2flavors August 21 2011, 21:32:28 UTC
Wait, how?

That's what I assumed during the episode but then I got online and YEAH now I'm more confused than I was before lol.


mrv3000 August 21 2011, 22:25:41 UTC
Oh, when Jack and Ten had that heart-to-heart about living and how it might not be so bad even though it was foreverish.


_thirty2flavors August 21 2011, 22:31:30 UTC
lol I literally do not ever remember this happening but they both sound wholly unqualified to have that discussion.


lorelaisquared August 21 2011, 04:20:58 UTC

I just finished watching this episode and WAO! Definitely the best episode yet and shockingly good. I totally squeed at the references to the Doctor and I thought the stuff with Gwen and Jack in the car was great!

My favourite part about this episode though was imagining first-time American audiences sitting there going "...what the fuck?" the entire time.

LMAO I was thinking the same thing - how UTTERLY confused people must be after this especially since so little about Jack's past was mentioned in this "season" so far. I wonder how many people were wondering if they were watching the right show? LOL

The ending was pretty epic and awesome! I love the Esther and Rex figured it out and came to the rescue. Rex's "Next time just ask for help" made me LOL and Esther is becoming pretty bad ass. I like her so whatever fandom!

So confused on timing. And after reading your comments I'm even more confused.


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