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Comments 71

firstofoct December 10 2010, 02:05:17 UTC
II. That's the sequel to Girl Who Played With Fire? I've been told that series is very good, but I haven't read it yet?? How are you liking the series? How did you like the first book?

III. \o/ Yay! Can't wait to watch Community later tonight.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 02:25:25 UTC
The first book is 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo', the one I'm reading now, 'Girl Who Played With Fire', is the sequel (and there's a third, 'The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest'). I enjoyed the first book, but it had slow moments. I'm enjoying the second book too, but I think there is some serious editing that should've been done. I really don't need to know everything on the character's shopping list.

They're disturbing, though. NGL reading the first one it was like "haha oh yeah normal fiction doesn't have warnings". It deals a lot with sexual assault and rape, and this second one, I'm not very far in yet but they're talking about sex slavery and stuff.

Community was adorable.


firstofoct December 10 2010, 05:11:48 UTC
Oooh. I'll have to read up a bit more on them to see if they'd really be something I'd be interested. I feel like I don't read enough actual books. I read so much fanfic these days, that it's weird to make the mental switch of going, oh, so the Doctor and Rose aren't the main characters? What???

Also fanfic is a lot cheaper lol.

I JUST WATCHED COMMUNITY. Oh my gosh. That was wonderful. And I get your seemingly random post title!


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 16:03:16 UTC
LOL I know. I am an English major so I read books for school a lot, but until September it had been a long time since I read something not-fic just for leisure. And then I started working and... wanted to read at lunch. So I've powered through a fair number of books in the last few months. I don't think this series is ZOMGAMAZING but it's entertaining enough that I keep reading, I guess.

LOL YES. I didn't want to post a quote that would be too obvious. The episode was adorable though.


noblealice December 10 2010, 03:11:15 UTC
I loved Britta-bot's "bleep bloop" and Troy Soldier's drumstick-nunchucks. As always, John Oliver was amazing and I wish he were in every episode.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 16:05:17 UTC
LOL I loved Troy Soldier and "I've just learned to teleport!"


bazcat89 December 10 2010, 03:37:19 UTC
omg community kali oh my god it was beautiful and i am still all verklempt oh my god community ilu


lacunaz December 10 2010, 04:55:30 UTC
this comment is so cute idek.


bazcat89 December 10 2010, 05:23:43 UTC
i have a lot of feelings about stop motion animation and christmas specials


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 16:05:46 UTC
Community was adorable! I want to rewatch the other Christmas episode too.


hysteriagalore December 10 2010, 07:03:50 UTC
II. I never bothered reading the trilogy, it just doesn't interest me D:

I must say though I am guilty of knowing many of the product names, but that could be because I am obsessed with IKEA anyway :P The classics like "Billy", "Karlstad" and such you always know.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 16:07:13 UTC
It's not great. I mean it's fun enough and I have the books so I might as well read them but it's not like, showstoppingly amazing.

I think even I know what the Billy is ngl, I am pretty sure there is one in my room. But like I honestly do not need to know what style and colour of bed/table/desk unit/computer chair/etc she bought. It was weird.


sweetcherrytree December 10 2010, 11:27:01 UTC
Community was so beautiful *tear*


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 16:11:54 UTC
IT WAS. It went from whacky "lolwut" to ":( OMG" to ":'D awww"


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