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firstofoct December 10 2010, 02:05:17 UTC
II. That's the sequel to Girl Who Played With Fire? I've been told that series is very good, but I haven't read it yet?? How are you liking the series? How did you like the first book?

III. \o/ Yay! Can't wait to watch Community later tonight.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 02:25:25 UTC
The first book is 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo', the one I'm reading now, 'Girl Who Played With Fire', is the sequel (and there's a third, 'The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest'). I enjoyed the first book, but it had slow moments. I'm enjoying the second book too, but I think there is some serious editing that should've been done. I really don't need to know everything on the character's shopping list.

They're disturbing, though. NGL reading the first one it was like "haha oh yeah normal fiction doesn't have warnings". It deals a lot with sexual assault and rape, and this second one, I'm not very far in yet but they're talking about sex slavery and stuff.

Community was adorable.


firstofoct December 10 2010, 05:11:48 UTC
Oooh. I'll have to read up a bit more on them to see if they'd really be something I'd be interested. I feel like I don't read enough actual books. I read so much fanfic these days, that it's weird to make the mental switch of going, oh, so the Doctor and Rose aren't the main characters? What???

Also fanfic is a lot cheaper lol.

I JUST WATCHED COMMUNITY. Oh my gosh. That was wonderful. And I get your seemingly random post title!


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 16:03:16 UTC
LOL I know. I am an English major so I read books for school a lot, but until September it had been a long time since I read something not-fic just for leisure. And then I started working and... wanted to read at lunch. So I've powered through a fair number of books in the last few months. I don't think this series is ZOMGAMAZING but it's entertaining enough that I keep reading, I guess.

LOL YES. I didn't want to post a quote that would be too obvious. The episode was adorable though.


firstofoct December 10 2010, 16:26:11 UTC
I think the last thing I read for leisure that wasn't fanfic was The Hunger Games trilogy. And that was back in September. I always love a new series to try!

That episode was so cute and so Christmas-y. Abed is one of my favorite tv characters ever.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 16:34:20 UTC
I read the first book of that a couple weeks ago and was meh towards it. The internet has been loving a lot of things lately that I just can't get excited about. I feel very cut-off from everyone's glee.I would like to get super-excited about a book series but it hasn't really happened. I did like His Dark Materials but it was in a sort of intellectual way and less in a "omg this story is so great I want to LIVE IN IT" way.

I love Abed. When I was writing up Midnight questions for dwrewatch my brain was just like BOTTLE EPISODES ARE WALL-TO-WALL EMOTIONAL NUANCE AND FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.


firstofoct December 10 2010, 16:44:08 UTC
Oh, I love when you get a series, whether it be tv or book or movie that you want to live in. To me, that's huge point for the author.

I find it hilarious/impressive that the episodes that are low budget for even Doctor Who are some of the most popular episodes. I mean, people seem to love Midnight. I know I do.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 18:39:23 UTC
Me too. It has been a while since I was really taken with anything though. Lately when I encounter something the internet loves, I think ti is okay, but then the more the internet tells me it is the best thing EVER the more I am like "NO IT SUCKED YOU SUCK". I dunno why this is but it is annoying.

LOL it's probably BECAUSE they're the low-budget ones. Special effects never work well for Doctor Who so it is best when they don't try.


firstofoct December 10 2010, 19:52:08 UTC
LOL OMG I was walking to class when I was checking my email and reading this comment and I burst out laughing when I read the "NO IT SUCKED YOU SUCK" line. It's so true though. And that's kinda the reason I don't watch half the shows I don't. And right now that seems to be Misfits. But on the other hand, it's only a few episodes and the people I ~trust have been saying it's good. Hmmmm.

ITA re: special effects.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 19:55:37 UTC
And that's kinda the reason I don't watch half the shows I don't. And right now that seems to be Misfits.But on the other hand, it's only a few episodes and the people I ~trust have been saying it's good. Hmmmm.

LOLOLOL That is how I feel about Vampire Diaries. (Well, with the added baggage of me generally hating vampires.)


firstofoct December 10 2010, 19:58:51 UTC
I am glad this is a common thing and I am not alone.

About TVD, like I enjoy watching it every week and it is very gripping and exciting and pretty, but I don't usually think about it beyond when I'm watching the episode? But the thing is, when you marathon the episodes, it is just so much drama and so much payoff, it is like the highest form of crack. It's made for people with ADD because something is ALWAYS happening.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 20:03:03 UTC
I don't know what it is. I guess it is just my need to be contrary? It's kind of annoying, but yeah, the more I am told something is THE BESTEST the more I resist. I resisted Community for a while because of it and I resisted Glee so thoroughly that I've never seen an episode.

Yeah I am sort of considering watching it because I feel very left out, but I'm also like "ugh vampire teen drama" and I don't know which emotion will win out. Sometimes I am like "okay I will try this show soon" and sometimes I am like "UGH VAMPIRES I HATE YOU AND YOUR STUPID WEREWOLF FRIENDS GO SUCK A CLOVE OF GARLIC". I might have to watch some just to feel more justified in my resentment though.


firstofoct December 10 2010, 20:06:46 UTC
See, and that's how I wonder how I ever got into Doctor Who. I mean, I picked up Glee on my own after my own personal interest. But now? I HATE HYPED UP THINGS.

But you do not have to take it seriously. And it does make fun of Twilight! I mean, it's by no means in my top 5 shows that are on tv right now, but like I said earlier, it's just fun to watch? And I guess I've learned just to not take CW shows so seriously because they fuck with you.


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 20:13:39 UTC
LOL I got into Doctor Who with no hype at all, my friend left a link for someone else to a stream of "Blink" and I was curious enough to click. I suspect if anyone had tried to get me into it via hype I would've refused, especially since the premise is not one I would expect to like. I wouldn't have considered myself much of a sci-fi person.


firstofoct December 10 2010, 20:23:48 UTC

For me, it was just that I was super bored, saw it on Instant Play on Netflix, had heard people talked about and figured oh, what the hell, I'll watch an episode before bed.



_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 20:29:09 UTC
I love that icon. I have a small collection of hilarious Ten/Master icons.

LOL yes for me it was like this slow build from marathoning, to excitedly watching s4, to seeing JE and then writing piles of fic and burrowing further into the fandom.


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