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Comments 71

placebetween December 10 2010, 18:44:24 UTC
LMFAO. Is Blomkvist an author self-insert? I rolled my eyes through the two Dan Brown books I managed to read (neither of which was Da Vinci Code). Everyone wants to sleep with the protagonist all the time because he's so amazing and attractive and intelligent!!!!


_thirty2flavors December 10 2010, 19:00:55 UTC
LOL I get that impression ngl. Like everyone wants to sleep with him but they're all okay with him not being in a committed relationship with any of them and/or sleeping with other people at the same time etc. His like... idk... quasi-girlfriend is married and everything and there's this like entire two page segment that's like "well I love my husband and he is great but he's totally okay with the fact that I will forever be sleeping with Blomkvist because he is just ~so amazing in bed omg~" and I was just cracking up. Like it would be okay I suppose if that was the only instance of this, open relationships and poly people exist, but when it is everyone in the story and it's all for the purpose of them sleeping with the main character I am left going LOLOL ORLY? The thing I am liking about book 2 so far though is that it is way more focused on Lisbeth, and Lisbeth is like infinity times more interesting than Blomkvist being the reincarnation of Casanova.

Did you watch last night's Misfits yet?


latine December 14 2010, 02:26:09 UTC
I know. I would move to Sweden if all males were that unstressful about the whole sleeping business.


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